Here you go: 12 Bad Bills and only 4 Good Bills.

HB 25 Sales of Ammunition  Daley Bad Bill
HB 27 Pub. Rec./Sales of Ammunition  Daley Bad Bill
HB 123 Carrying of Firearms Without Licenses  Sabatini Good Bill
HB 167 Sale, Transfer, or Storage of Firearms  Hunschofsky Bad Bill
HB 213 Regulation of Concealed Weapons and Firearms  Andrade, Gregory Good Bill
SB 294 Safe Storage of Loaded Firearms  Farmer Bad Bill
SB 330 Sale and Delivery of Firearms  Farmer Bad Bill
SB 370 Assault Weapons and Large-capacity Magazines  Farmer Bad Bill
SB 372 Three-dimensional Printed Firearms  Stewart Bad Bill
SB 428 Sale, Transfer, or Storage of Firearms  Polsky Bad Bill
SB 498 Safety of Religious Institutions  Gruters Bad Bill
SB 560 Prohibited Recordkeeping Relating to Firearms or Firearm Owners  Farmer Bad Bill
SB 672 Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition Regulation  Taddeo Bad Bill
HB 6001 Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms  Sabatini Good Bill
HB 6005 Restrictions on Firearms and Ammunition During Emergencies  Sabatini Good Bill
HB 6033 Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition  Daley Bad Bill

Not only we have the usual load of bad bills, but we really have some with companion bills that makes the dangerous: The elimination of Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition And the Safe Storage. This means they are looking to have something passed no matter what to get the avalanche going.

They are looking to eliminate the prohibition of record keeping so a gun registration can be instituted. And also the elimination of preemption when it comes to Concealed Carry, thankfully no companion bills yet, but some of the bad bills are already scheduled for hearing.

And somebody needs to get in touch with Senator Gruters (R) and inform him his bill (SB 498) although well intentioned, is a disaster waiting to happen: It does not solve the question of what happens if a church shares space with an educational facility and introduces the very dangerous precedent of ruling Gun Free Zones by sign rather than by law. It will get the nightmare of Posted Locations with the weight of the Law.  Anybody from the Sarasota area needs to point out the problem. The bill that was offered last year had Bipartisanship support.

Get in touch with your Senators and see if they can craft a companion bill for all the Sabatini bills, specially HB 123, Constitutional Carry.  I think if we get this one passed, we can re-start our old Pro Gun avalanche.

OK people, let’s get our shit together. The Democrats are pissed as hell Florida went from regular red to crimson red and I bet they are willing to do what they feel they need to do to make the Republican weasel out.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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