How the hell are they going to criticize DeSantis if Wuhan loses its scare factor?
Still to this date and according to the local rags, nothing that the governor has done has been right and probably is criminal. It does not matter if our state has been less affected by all consequences of the virus compared to the great Democratic-led states who are in the brink of social decomposition: DeSantis worse than Orange Man seems to be the only tune in their repertoire.

Maybe he should start chasing Jews and allow for riots like DeBlasio and Cuomo did.  Perhaps then our local media will soften his stance against the Governor… yeah, right.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Florida Media has to hate the idea of the Wuhan Vaccine”
  1. I just read this:
    That’s an article about COVID and the Great Barrington Declaration by its author, an MD and economist who teaches at Stanford. He’s been the recipient of a lot of hate for supporting sanity rather than dictatorship.
    I understood some of this before, but he made it much clearer and much more filled out. I’d encourage everyone to read this. The GB Declaration is quoted in full, that in particular is amazing and needs to be well known.

    1. Wow, I went to the link and read the whole thing. Why have I not heard of this? I don’t understand…wait, it’s the Left using the scary “Pandemic” for political purposes….
      So the leftist rags are not putting this in the headlines. Probably not even in the back pages.

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