Florida bars, indoor dining, gyms and any other indoor spaces where masks are not worn 100% of the time should be closed down to stop the spread of COVID-19, according to a White House Coronavirus Task Force Report.

The recommendation comes as the state is seeing a slight decrease in new coronavirus cases, test positivity and hospitalizations.

The report, which was officially released on Jan. 17, was just recently made available following a News-Journal public records request to the Florida Department of Health.

The state did not respond to questions about how, if or when the recommendations will be put into effect.

WHITE HOUSE: Florida should close bars, restaurants, gyms to slow COVID spread

The political assassination of Ron DeSantis is now in full swing. I guess the talks that he could be the presidential nominee for the next elections and specially with the backing of Trump has the Democrats worried.

I can’t find a news article that is not critical of anything DeSantis does. It does not matter that the journo contradict him/herself in the same article, anything DeSantis does related to the Chinese Virus is just wrong and the worse governor ever. This quote is from the same source linked above.

Florida had 460 new cases per 100,000 population, lower than the national average of 478 per 100,000. The state currently ranks 22nd in the number of new cases per 100,000.

For all intents and purposes, Florida has been a “3/4s Open” State when it comes to the pandemic. There are masks mandates, but mostly enforced by the property owners while restaurants are enforcing social distancing with their seating.  I went to Home Depot and Wally World yesterday and other than people wearing the masks and an employee giving you a wipe for your car in the Big Orange Store, the traffic of people was pretty much the same as before the pandemic.  Those direction one-way signs on aisles are royally ignored and the only other precaution is the plastic shields separating the cashier from the customers.

So, rather than being the number one state in cases, Florida is somewhere in the middle of the pack.

The media lie is thick and it is only created to destroy a dangerous candidate against the Democrats. If anything, DeSantis has dare to prove the Political Doctors wrong and disrupting the conquering to the country by fear.

He cannot be forgiven for that.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Florida must be shut down.”
  1. California, not Florida, is the model for America. Florida is the anti-California in many ways. Also very populous, full of entertainment industry celebs, beautiful climate, but it’s business friendly and gun friendly and freedom friendly. People are moving to Florida and leaving California. The Democrats have tried to make Florida a one party state but fail at it.

    Of course Florida has to be destroyed in order to make California model state. You can’t have people asking to be like Florida, that prevents the Democrats from having one party control.

  2. The state did not respond to questions about how, if or when the recommendations will be put into effect.

    The appropriate response involves an upraised middle finger.

  3. This will all go away soon enough.

    I am thinking the 100 days is the milestone. 100 days to demonstrate that Biden can get the virus under control, And, he will, even if it spreads like wildfire, and the number of people actually killed (I mean killed by the virus, not just on paper) skyrockets. No matter what the virus does, it will not be news in 100 days.

    However, CA, NY, or IL must lead the nation in doing so, FL is not properly politically aligned, therefore, they cannot be in front.

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