An unkind thought popped as I was hitting the publish button in the last post: “What if the “recommendation” is nothing else than a veiled threat by the Biden Harris Administration?

“If you do not comply with what we “suggest” we will find ways to make you state suffer.

And believe me, they can get creative and nasty if they want. A top of my head, The Federal government can “restrict” anybody coming from Florida to leave the state unless they prove they are not infected. An order by the FAA that airlines must demand a negative lab result prior boarding planes, trains and buses heading out of the state. The FAA can even demand proof of quarantine that ended the day before the trip.  After all, the FAA is in charge of making sure interstate commerce remains safe from threats, including the possibility of the virus spreading all over the nation, right?

And we are all in this together, we must be united in our fight to destroy this disease! [sarcasm off]

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “Florida must be shut down: Last minute thought”
  1. I think it’s too late for the Federal Government to force this upon any state. With vaccines being released, numerous Democrat Governors having epiphanies and reopening their own states, and 10 months of white hot anger simmering just under the surface by beleaguered Americans, if the Feds clamped down and insisted the country shut down again, my guess is the capitol siege would wind up looking like a summer picnic compared to what would be coming. If Biden’s puppeteers are insane enough to attempt singling out Republican states, I’d predict they simply won’t listen. Get Texas on board along with a large chunk of the Bible belt and the Feds have themselves a no-win situation.

    If this pandemic had hit under a Hillary Presidency, the entire nation would still be under a Federal lockdown, with the intention of crushing the economy once and for all. It’s just bad timing this hit with Trump and he refused to be the totalitarian every Democrat dreams of being.

    1. HP:

      “If this pandemic had hit under a Hillary Presidency, the entire nation would still be under a Federal lockdown,”

      50/50 odds on that. I think if this pandemic hit under a Hillary Presidency it would be treated exactly the way H1N1 was treated. As soon as 16M positive tests were gathered, the government would have declared the virus is out there, unstoppable, and additional testing is not worth the money.

      In fact, I am sure Fauci would be disputing every infection, every death. The misuse of the PCR test would be front and center, and there would be Federal guidelines stating that anything more than 15 amplification cycles was 100% guaranteed to be a false positive.

      Hillary would have stopped this virus dead in its tracks.

      1. Bingo. The circus and associated hysteria were drummed up to create an excuse to attack Trump.


        Under Hillary, it would have been what a lot of us have been saying the whole time. “No worse than the flu. Take reasonable precautions: wash your hands, take your Vitamin C, get your vaccine if that makes you feel better.”

        (Alternatively, under Hillary it would have been, “What virus?”)

        It’s very simple: If you want to know what the media response would have been under Hillary, look at how the media treats New York’s Cuomo and De Blasio (not their pandemic measures, just the media response), and extrapolate nationwide.

        1. Trying to destroy Trump does not explain the rest of the world’s reaction. Yes, how the US reacts can and will be taken into account by other nations, but there is more to it than that.

          It is no surprise that numerous organizations would be very interested in knocking the economies of the G8 or G12 or even the G20 down a few notches. These organizations are not just other countries, but also religious and political organizations.

          However, I am pretty sure that if the US news media (and the CDC) reported more realistic numbers, and actually provided anything other than fearporn, no politician would be calling for declarations of emergency, or mandating face diapers.

      2. That’s a very good point. Though it’s also entirely possible the bastard Chinese Communist Party wouldn’t have intentionally released this virus (I don’t believe it was an accident) thereby crushing the world economy if Hillary had been President.

  2. Of course this is a threat from the Chiden/Crapala dictatorship. If you had any doubts if this was coming after all the ChiComFlu lockdown theatrical bullshit from last year then i have bridge to sell you in NYC, cheap.

  3. Setting up walls at state borders, now there is an idea that would work nicely… NOT.
    The level of non-compliance would be epic. And even the Robert Supreme Court would have trouble finding an excuse to declare such things to be constitutional.

    1. And even the Robert Supreme Court would have trouble finding an excuse to declare such things to be constitutional.

      They don’t have to weigh Constitutionality. They just have to declare that the plaintiffs don’t have standing.

  4. I fully expect feds to seek to remove DeSantis, Noem, and a handful of other governors in states that, sheerly by coincidence, have not yet installed Dominion election software.

  5. Off topic: check the picture of Biden on 90 miles. He is sitting at the little boys desk since the big boy desk in the oval office is too big, comes up to the middle of his chest. His minder watching to make sure he does what he is told

    1. Let them. I’ll be laughing my head off when the progtards can’t get a flight to escape the next ChiComFlu lockdown or to get a flight ticket they have to do the new WuhanFlu testing that Chiden will gladly sponsor from his overseas master.

      “China rolls out anal swab coronavirus tests, saying it’s more accurate than throat method”


    2. So, if you have to have a negative test before flying, can I take my mask off for the flight, and get regular beverage services? Perhaps sit next to my travelling companions?

      Probably not.

  6. First and most direct way, withhold federal funding. For example uncle sam has withheld DOT funding many times to get his way.

  7. I’ve said before and I’ll keep saying:

    When the Biden/Harris Administration says “Unity” and “Healing”, they mean “Conformity” and “Heeling”.

    You will conform, or you will be brought under control.

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