It appears that running for reelection for her Agriculture Commissioner job isn’t politically viable anymore for Nikki Fried considering how she has decided to go all out with her attacks against Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Florida Politics’ Juicy Read — 12.10.20

And I believe there will be something else at play against her re-election and that is the realizations by pro-legalization types that all the promises he sort of made about decriminalizing pot were just obvious load of crap. Even the most confused pothead has to figure by now that she has not delivered and won’t be able to because she never had the power to change the law.

And whatever thoughts Moms Demand may have had about a rabid anti-gunner in charge of the Country’s premier concealed carry licensing department, also went in a haze of pot smoke and have to be disappointed at her lack of action. Say what you want about Florida legislators, but we ended up with a pretty much self-sustained, self-defending and hard-to-mess-with system.  The only way to mess with it is for the Legislature to turn democrat and for that, we need to make concealed carry bulletproof: Constitutional Carry.

It will be nice to make sure she is no longer in charge of the Concealed Carry License process. You know eventually the Democrats figure how to gum up the works of anything they don’t like even if it is doing good. 

Speaking of concealed licenses, we are moving slowly but surely to the two and a quarter million, unfortunately it won’t happen this year.

We broke the 2 million barrier May 2019 and we would probably end up over 225,000 extra in total by year’s end if you consider that we added over 43,000 since September 30th

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.