Florida Representatives must be upset with both HB 1409 and SB 1844 pushing forward that they decided to file some very weird and venomous amendments on the House side. Links to the amendments included below.

Amendment 182293  by Smith, C. Victims of gun violence can sue Gun Lobbyists. (F*** the First and the Second Amendments)

Amendment 447645  by Eskamani: Firearms Preemption only applies in rural counties.

Amendment 121497 by Robinson, F: Firearms Preemption only applies “in cities with fewer than 100 residents,”

Amendment 809263 by Daley: Anybody shot in the state of Florida may bring an action against the state because it failed to protect him/her.

Amendment  124287 by Hardy (This one I have to quote for the stupid): “The amendments made by this act shall not apply until 365 consecutive days have passed without an incident in the state in which three or more persons were killed or injured by the use of a firearm.”

I pretty much doubt that they will be passed and probably they will be laughed out of the floor. At best it will be an attempt to run out the clock and let the bill die. We’ll see.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Florida Preemption bills advances to the Floor, Democrats lose their mind.”
  1. “Anybody shot in the state of Florida may bring an action against the state because it failed to protect him/her.”

    Modify this so the action can be brought against the nearest elected official in an executive position PERSONALLY, not in their office, and I’d be for it.

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