SB 586 – Firearms

General Bill by Rodriguez
Firearms: Requiring that, if neither party to a firearm sale or transfer is a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer, all other sales or transfers may be conducted only between two persons who have valid concealed weapons or firearms licenses; requiring such a seller or transferor to retain a copy of the buyer’s or transferee’s concealed weapons or firearms license and the serial number of the firearm sold, etc.

IANAL warning.

The way I read this bill, it codifies the sales of firearms between private individuals if they have Concealed Weapons Licenses.  This rubs me very wrong because 1) It was introduced by a Democrat and 2) Implies they have the votes to pass Universal Background Checks and they are gonna throw us a bone with this bill.
Of course, if UBC gets passed before anything else, this bill will be conveniently retired or will fail to get enough votes to be sent to the Governor’s desk. Oops! Sorry about that. Let’s try again next year.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Florida: SB 586 – CWL to sell guns privately (UBC Exemption?)”
  1. It could also be the camel’s nose in the tent. Right now, your gun isn’t really that different from your chain saw or lawnmower in that you can sell it without getting the state involved. It’s your property. Yeah, you’re not allowed to sell it to a prohibited person and are required to ask, but that’s it, right? In my limited experience, asking to see your CWL to show you’re not prohibited is pretty common.

    This gets the state involved. If it’s law that you’re required to check their permit, then how do you prove you did? You’re required to get a copy of their CWL, but then what? Do you keep it for life or do they mandate a form that you fill out and send to your Sheriff or to the state?

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