As seen over 90 Miles:


Nationally, there was a 16.9 percent increase in total deaths, regardless of cause. Florida’s increase was lower at 14.8 percent. Meanwhile, New York saw a 30.1 percent spike and California’s deaths increased by 18.6 percent.

Known for its appeal to retirees, Florida is home to about 4.5 million Americans aged 65 and older. Coronavirus-related deaths per 100,000 seniors in Florida are below those of New York and California, and below the national average.
Florida has lost 474 out of every 100,000 seniors to coronavirus, while the national average is 666. The virus has killed 573 of every 100,000 seniors in California, and a staggering 1,066 ov every 100,000 in New York.

Meanwhile, almost 40 percent of Florida seniors have already received the vaccine, while other states struggle to vaccinate their elderly and most vulnerable.

These Shocking Graphs Show Florida’s Far Better COVID Outcomes With Far Milder Lockdown Than New York, California

This hurts the Liberal Lockdown and the CDC narrative. Florida upstaging what the “experts” kills the Narrative the PedoJoe was elected to save us from Trump’s mishandling of the Pandemic.

This information should be in every major state newspaper and every TV station in all cities. But it won’t because it will mean that some governors will actually be removed, if not by the legislature and the State Supreme Courts, then the People.

Do you know how a parent who has lost a child to suicide because of COVID lockdowns must feel if he/she finds out that kids in Florida go to school and actually are out playing everyday while theirs succumbed to being enclosed like a dangerous animal?

Cause of death: Preventable Cabin Fever brought about politicians thirsty for more power.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Florida’s Far Better COVID Outcomes With Far Milder Lockdown Than New York, California”
  1. If you can understand an Irish accent (seriously – I almost always can, my wife struggles) Florida has been recognized internationally by science bloggers who are following the nonsense in the world.

  2. So, just curious:

    How big is the Chinatown in Miami?

    They have a big one in NYFC, and another one in L.A., and also in Frisco, but IIRC, there’s not a huge Asian pop. thereabouts, amirite? (Unike N. Italy, which until this pandemic I didn’t know has a yuuuuuge expat Chinese population, hence their troubles there early on.)

    So, d’ya suppose that the better response might have a wee bit to do with a far smaller penetration of the virus into society to begin with…???
    And not a helluva lot to do with lockdown/no lockdown?

    CA only blew up after the initial lockdown was lifted, NYFC blew up because they never did one. (When you run your subway for 2M people/day non-stop for months at the height of the outbreak, and only muse about nightly disinfection of it after you’ve already killed 40,000 people, you’re not locked down. QED).

    A lockdown is like pregnancy; there’s no such thing as “a little bit” of either. When CA locked down except for essential workers, the freeways were literally almost empty, all day. Coming home on a Sunday morning was like Charlton Heston driving through L.A. in Omega Man, and it was like that for weeks and weeks.

    FL is doing better, I suspect, because you never got exposed to it as heavily (nor stupidly), much like most of flyover country didn’t, until after people stopped being dumbasses about the virus.

    Just because Cuomo is a homicidal idiot jackass doesn’t de facto make DeSantis a benevolent genius. Just lucky. Hell, even Gabbin’ Nuisance got this right, at first, before he stepped all over his junk the second and subsequent times.

    Constant sunshine helps too, as the virus dies in the span of a commercial in ordinary solar Vitamin D goodness, which benefits Florida, and screws NYFC and Joisy.

    The worst-hit states were going to be the worst-hit states regardless, because of geography and travel patterns. The lockdowns or lack of them in states only lightly impacted had little effect either way. Atlanta, being a nationwide travel hub, doomed them more certainly than anything else. And the results of no-lockdown combined with Mardi Gras as usual in Nawlins at the outset speak for themselves too. N.O. hospitals were a sh*tshow horror story at the beginning of this for exactly that reason.

    So I wouldn’t push the correlation-without-causation fallacy very far; it won’t withstand scrutiny.
    Just saying.

    I’m glad the impact there has been less than it was in NYFC, or hereabouts. I hope that luck holds until this is a fondly distant memory.

    But hopefully it’s put the final nail in the coffin of the nonsensical idea that this country is any kind of able to handle an infectious pandemic with any level of competency. We aren’t even there now, and we probably never will be.

    And it also underlines that politicians will “never let a crisis go to waste” if they smell an opportunity to misuse and abuse the public, even for a real crisis, in order to increase their power. Whether that makes things worse or better for everyone comes in a distant second to “How can I get more control over everything?” questions for those douchebags. Of those, FL definitely has less than CA or NYFS.

    1. Well, Lockdowns had no effect in variuos european countries, regardless of sunshine – I mean Italy got hit pretty hard and it was warm and sunny summer in Europe.

  3. In the end they will have to break Florida under the federal heel. Even with the media in a spin cycle that would put a hurricane to shame, too many people are going to ask exactly what Florida is doing versus NY/CA. The recent, very visible disowning of Mafia Cuomo isn’t helping either.

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