Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried dismissed three top aides just before midnight Thursday, citing their complaints that her fiancé was “abusive” to her during a weekend argument at a Fort Lauderdale resort where police escorted him off the property.
Fried, the state’s top elected Democrat, told aides by text message late Wednesday that they could no longer be in her “inner circle” but offered to find them “other roles.” She said it “breaks my heart” they believed her fiancé was abusive during the incident, which occurred Saturday at the Westin Beach Resort and Spa. No one was hurt.
Florida’s top Democrat purges ‘inner circle’ after police escort her fiancé from hotel
I have no idea if the firings are legal or not and I really do not care. There are other things that do call attention.
Her fiancé, medical marijuana entrepreneur Robert “Jake” Bergmann, in a text to POLITICO said he was not abusive to Fried.
Tensions in Fried’s political operation have brewed for months over her sometimes-stormy romantic relationship, according to Johnson, who said he decided to speak out because he was concerned about Fried’s well-being.
Let us not forget why Nikki Fried got elected: 1) Florida Gun owners were not paying attention to this race even though Department of Agriculture is in charge of the CWL process and 2) Nikki Fried got the stoner vote because she hinted (very strongly IMHO) she could get Marijuana legalized in Florida. That apparently nobody sees the conflict of interest is beyond me.
Politico got the police report of the incident and personal experience tells me it had to be a big blow out. In case you don’t know, I worked hotel security for a major brand in one of their hotels in the same area as where this event happened.
What do the red underlined sections mean? Mr. Bergman must have created a huge raucous and ignore the hotel’s request to stop or at least tone it down. Hotels do not like to have the police come over, it looks bad for them because the guests start wondering who got murdered and if it is safe for them to stay there or come back in the future. So call to the cops only comes when you have exhausted all way with an out of control guest and now other guests are complaining or the staff fears it can even escalate higher.
I lost count on how many people I evicted while working Hotel Security. My record stands at 27 people in one night, all high school kids whos parents had rented rooms so they could do the Homecoming parties there rather than at home. And let’s say that finding massive quantities of alcohol and South American Oregano were the norm. After Football Game parties getting out of hand? Several and again, evictions without much fuss. But Eviction with Trespassing? Not that many, those were very special cases that included either heavy damage to property or injury or the possibility injury against another guest or staff member because of irate or erratic behavior.
I am not aware of current Westin procedure, but our chain had a strict guideline with this type of event: There would be a follow up investigation, mostly because the trespassed asshole would call HQ to complain he was unjustly removed and if everything checked with your report, and the actions were bad enough, a worldwide ban would be issued against the former guest so he/she could never get a room from any hotel in the chain.
So, whatever Mr. Bergman did, was bad enough for a hotel chain that is suffering from dramatic loss of revenue because of the pandemic, to have him evicted and trespassed from property specially knowing who he was with, a government official.
Lifestyle s of the elite and shameless!!! What a POS. Too funny. I hope he and sweetie get lifetime banned from that hotel chain. Ya legalizing dope is a GREAT idea. They did it here- reason 195 we are getting the F outta this state
It was rather obvious to anyone who had 2 brain cells to rub together that she stole the election for FL Agriculture Commissioner, so I hope good ol’ Karma has a grand time slapping the snot out of her until her ill-gained term is over.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving P.O.S. demonKKKrat in this state. Her turning against her own is just the icing on the cake.
C’mon criminal charges. Sounds like a lot of corruption and whatnot inside the Ag Dept.
I’m curious why the great state of Florida (and I used to live there) elects the Ag Commissioner, instead of the Governor appointing the commissioner?