From Forbes:

Start Spreading The News, New Yorkers Are Leaving Today

Armando Codina is an unhappy New Yorker. So unhappy, in fact, he created a website about it to find more like minds. Now, no longer alone, he is a very happy Floridian.

“New Yorkers used to come to Florida to buy a second home. Now they are coming down here to live,” he says.

And that is the fucking problem.

In a nutshell, New York, especially New York City has been hit by just a perfect shit storm of disasters.

High taxes, an obscene cost of living, the destruction of the George Floyd riots after the NYPD handled the rioters with kid gloves, the lockdown, the COVID death rate,  the awful policies of Cuomo and de Blasio, all the news from New York shows that it’s just a shithole.  An expensive shithole.

Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, on the other hand, no riots, low COVID deaths, low taxes, and compared to NYC, a lower cost of living.

But we all know that the New Yorkers who move to South Florida to get away from the filthy, expensive, shithole of NYC are going to vote for the exact same bullshit that made them flee NYC in the first place.

Not to mention that New Yorkers have burned up all the good will they had since 9/11.

If Floridians barricaded I-95 and the border and had vigilante squads checking IDs and beating up New Yorkers trying to enter the state, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Frankly, I don’t think anybody else wants New Yorkers to move to their state either.

I think it is about time to go all John Carpenter on New York and just build a containment wall around the city and never let anyone out.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Floridians beware: New Yorkers have figured out just how much New York sucks”
  1. Would a 5-year waiting period before new state residents could vote be legal, do you think? You know, to provide some acclimation and cultural uptake time?

  2. I hear that all the time from I-have-sand-in-my-panties transplants, along with “this pizza/taco/lasagna/sandwich/etc. is not as good as it was up north.”
    My simple answer to their inane whining is “then why f*** are you here if it was so *wonderful* up north? Go back and piss off.”

  3. Back when my kids went to the public schools I would walk them to the bus stop and wait with them for the bus. A transplant from a very blue state would bring her kid to the stop as well.

    She complained over and over again about how horrible our town was because:
    * We didn’t have enough street lights
    * We didn’t have sidewalks in our neighborhood.
    * The city didn’t pick up her garbage for her. (We have a transfer station, take your trash there and it is free, or pay to have a private company pick it up)
    * The property taxes were to high.
    * The roads needed more work.

    At no time was she able to figure out that her neighbors didn’t want to have sidewalks so didn’t want to pay the city to put them in. She never considered putting up her own outside lighting, as some had done. She had no concept of the costs of having the government pick up her trash.

    And in her old state, the rural counties were being taxed to improve her suburbia living conditions, she was perfectly happy with it.

    I’m positive she votes Democratic every time she can, because the government should do more for her.

  4. Years ago I knew people who lived just outside Rapid City in the Black Hills.

    South Dakota was being homesteaded by East Coasters who wanted mountain homes with land but didn’t want to buy in Colorado which is becoming very expensive.

    They moved to ranch country for the land then sued the ranches because they could smell the cow shit.

    The government of SD decided that was bullshit and worked to stop it.

    But the arrogance of East Coasters was striking. Moving to farm country so they could have a country lifestyle then suing the farmers and ranchers out of business.

  5. Speaking as a NYer in recovery I can agree that everything said about NY, well the metro NYC area, is 100% absolutely correct. Bunch of arrogant a-holes, all of them. Unlike a lot of downstate transplants, I did not leave the state because it was so horrible. (I actually left NY before it became the hellhole it is now).

    Best thing to happen to NYC was Bloomberg followed by deBlasio. Alexandria DonkeyChompers is just icing on the cake.

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