The other day Miguel wrote a post I would laugh at this if it wasn’t for the potential violent crime that will bring.

He quoted from 10 Action Ideas for Building a Police-Free Future by MPD150, which is the group leading the disbanding of the Minneapolis Police.

One point in their list of ideas is:

4. If you DO need police, go to them instead of calling them to you.
From the zine, “12 Things to Do Instead of Calling the Cops:” If something of yours is stolen and you need to file a report for insurance or other purposes, consider going to the police station instead of bringing cops into your community. You may inadvertently be putting someone in your neighborhood at risk.

The link, which is in the original post, goes to this article:

New Zine: 12 Things to do Instead of Calling the Cops

Which is in an online magazine SPROUT DISTRO.

That “zine” describes itself this way:

SPROUT DISTRO is an anarchist zine distro (distributor) and publisher based in the occupied territory currently known as the United States.

Our distro mainly focuses on anarchist tactics and skill-building. This means that we have a lot of zines on direct action, organizing, starting projects (ex: collectives, study groups, prisoner support projects), decision-making, street tactics, security, affinity groups, how we relate to each other, etc.

The reason that the activists and city council members that are pushing disbanding the police have no answers to what to do when there is a crime and no police is that they don’t want to have answers.

They are radical Leftist anarchists or are taking their talking points from radical Leftist anarchists.

They have no solution, they simply want chaos.

Their list proves it.

Don’t feel obligated to defend property—especially corporate “private” property. Before confronting someone or contacting the police, ask yourself if anyone is being hurt or endangered by property “theft” or damage. If the answer is “no,” then let it be.

Just allow theft, especially theft of corporate property.

If you see someone peeing in public, just look away! Remember, for example, that many houseless people do not have reliable access to bathrooms.

Street art is beautiful! Don’t report graffiti and other street artists. If you see work that includes fascistic or hate speech, paint over it yourself or with friends.

Vandalism and vagrancy are fine, even beautiful.

You cannot have a society that functions this way.  It is impossible.  But this is who actual city government is borrowing ideas from and they are not even doing a half-assed job trying to hide it.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Follow the links to learn the truth”
  1. Suppose that the folks supporting this idiocy, are NOT idiots?

    What if they do, indeed, have an alternative in mind?

    Something along the lines of the Red Guard, or Sharia Police?

    1. I keep wondering what Maura Healey’s motivations are. There certainly is plenty of history of MA AGs being downright evil, but she’s going further than most.

  2. “You may inadvertently put someone in your neighborhood at risk.” Because the police are notorious for stopping on their way to call in order to beat up or shoot random people they see along the way. That’s why I always freeze like a jacklighted deer whenever I see a squad car. And it must work. I haven’t been beaten or shot yet.

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