Proving once more that if you are a journalist, you don’t know squat about guns even if your target audience is heavily involved with guns, artillery, explosives, etc.
marine corps time stupid glock


OK, I am not a Glock Fanboi, but I even know that it does not take the physique of Andre The Giant to conceal a G19 or for that matter a G26.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “For The “Stupid It Hurts” Files: A truly concealable Glock.”
  1. 100% Agree Sir. It is good to know that Glock has entered the .380 Auto market. Now I can offer my CCW students another option in .380.

  2. Agreed. It’s not exactly a pocket pistol but the G19 isn’t impossible to conceal either, I use an IWB holster and let my shirt hang over it.

  3. To me “truly concealable” applies to where concealed carry is legal, but where careers and relationships are absolutely dependent on concealment being 100% and 99% just doesn’t cut it.

  4. Yep, I carry a 1911 commander damn near every day without issue.

    One wonders why anybody thought this gun was a good idea. I mean is the Walther Pk38 and the Ruger LC380 selling that well?

    Meanwhile Kahr has been selling 9×19 guns smaller and lighter with more capacity for over a decade now….

  5. Weerd — THAT’S the part I don’t understand. I do not believe the recoil impulse is really that much different between a 9x19mm and .380ACP with a reasonably ergonomic grip. . . so why not go 9mm _first_?

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