From Forbes:

From the linked article:

Asian-Americans are buying guns to protect themselves amid a spike in anti-Asian hate crimes fueled by the coronavirus pandemic, firearms merchants say.

“There are more Asians being introduced to firearms,” said Jimmy Gong, the owner of Jimmy’s Sport Shop in Mineola, New York. “Before, there was never gun culture in the Asian community. But after the pandemic and all the hate crime going on, there are more Asians buying guns to defend themselves.”

No Asian-American gun culture you say?


Gong said that his gun sales have doubled during the pandemic, and about half of his business comes from Asian-Americans, who also buy lots of pepper spray.

Other gun stores around the country are seeing more Asian-American buyers. Danielle Jaymes, general manager of Poway Weapons & Gear in Poway, California, said there’s been a 20% increase in Asian-American first-time customers to her store over the last year, compared to the year before. She said they’re buying guns for self-protection.

By the way, to my fellow Jews, take a hint from the Asian community.  When people target you for hate crimes, get strapped.

From one gun store owner in Bellvue, Washington.

During the anti-Asian hate crime spree, Asian-Americans have become a more familiar sight in gun shops, as they mingle among the millions of Americans who are buying guns for the first time.

“We have a lot of Asian-American customers buying guns,” said Jerry Hwang, a salesman at Wade’s Eastside Guns in Bellevue, Washington. “They’re coming because of the pandemic and the riots, of people messing with stores and messing with people’s property.”

He said they’re buying semiautomatic pistols and rifles, which have proven popular in gun stores across the country as sales have surged to record heights during the pandemic.

“They’re buying basic Glocks and AR-15s, basically for self-defense,” he said.

From another gun store owner in Oregon, Ohio.

He said the first-time buyers often become serious gun owners who spend lots of time on the range with their newly-acquired Glock pistols and AR-15s.

“They’re trying to get proficient, which is telling me that there is an urgency,” he said.

Glocks, ARs, and lots of practice.

First-time Asian-American gun owners ain’t fucking around.

David Liu, owner of Arcadia Firearm & Safety in Arcadia, California, a majority Asian-American town, said that there was a flood of gun buyers early last year. Liu, a U.S. citizen who moved from Hong Kong in the 1980s, said that many of his buyers recognized the magnitude of the pandemic before the riots began. He said that in the last few weeks, his Asian-American gun buyers have started citing anti-Asian hate crimes as their motive for seeking self-protection.

Immigrate to America from Hong Kong, become a citizen, opens a gun store.

That’s so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye.

I am completely supportive of this.  So, as I can imagine, is about 99.99% of the law-abiding gun-owning community.

Come on in, the freedom’s fine.

However, there were some Progressive naysayers who couldn’t hide their racism against Asian-Americans wanting to protect themselves, so decded to let their racism out in the form of projection.


The Leftists don’t like the idea of minorities owning guns so protect onto the Right that hatred.

I think the NRA would be happy to have the new members.

My favorite reply and I think the one that sums it up the most is this one:


It seems like Coming 2 American and Ghostbusters: Afterlife won’t be the only sequels in 2021 in which the franchise started in my childhood.  Roof Koreans 2 is gonna be lit.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Forbes apparently has never heard of Roof Koreans. Also, Progressives project their racism onto the gun community.”
  1. Yeah, my carrying made it into an unflattering WaPo article and there’s a moment to ask me to leave my synagogue. Great history lesson, Reform Jews. Have fun in the boxcars.

  2. Again, there’s classic Woke gaslighting going on. In this case, it’s the “you can’t leave us because everyone else hates you and will hurt you”. Thus the “NRA going to flip” nonsense, even though the Gun Rights community has yet to ‘flip’ & try to institute bans over blacks/gays/trans/other groups getting on the bandwagon.

  3. As a new NRA instructor, my first 3 pistol students were Japanese ladies, all immigrants. I taught their sons the NRA basic rifle class. Then there was a female Korean grad student. Finally, one of the best shooters I know is Korean- American, second generation like me only my folks are Ashkenazi Jews. More power to them all!

  4. “Gong said that his gun sales have doubled during the pandemic, and about half of his business comes from Asian-Americans, who also buy lots of pepper spray.”

    Would it be some sort of racism to say I suspect the Koreans are using this as a condiment?

  5. The left doesn’t even try to understand the legal gun community. They try to lump us together with the criminal element and caricaturize us based on what they want to believe about us…and what they want to believe about us is nothing more than projection.

    They feel superior, but can’t admit it, so they project their own racism onto us. Tell me, is this anti-Asian violence happening in conservative states and cities?

    Tell me who is racist: the person who believes that everyone is defined solely by the color of their skin and people with certain skin tones are incapable of succeeding on their own effort and merits? Or the person who believes we are defined by our character and actions rather than any immutable characteristics and that anyone with the drive and will to succeed can do so?

    I don’t speak for anyone but myself, but I’ve been an NRA and 4H firearms instructor, shooting club member, and competitive shooter for a LONG time and I can’t think of a single person in the shooting community that I’ve come across that doesn’t support ANY law abiding legal resident in exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

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