Called it.

Of the over 70 people arrested at the University of Texas Austin campus on Monday at the school’s Gaza Camp, 46 of them were not students at the school.

UT Spokesperson Mike Rosen told the Austin American-Statesman that based on preliminary numbers, 46 of 77 people arrested Monday were not students, though it is unclear whether this number included faculty or staff members.

Majority of arrests at UT Austin’s Gaza Camp were not UT students | The Post Millennial |


The number of protesters arrested at the pro-Palestine rally and encampment at the University of Utah is now at 19.

The school updated its tally Tuesday afternoon — from an initial report of 17 arrests — after a chaotic clash where officers in riot gear forcefully broke up the rally, charging into those gathered on campus Monday night.

Of the new total, 14 are not affiliated with the university. Four are students, and one is an employee, according to U. spokesperson Rebecca Walsh. The U. is not releasing their names.

University of Utah updates number arrested at pro-Palestine rally (


TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Ten people were arrested as tear gas was deployed against protesters at the University of South Florida Tuesday afternoon after law enforcement declared an “unlawful assembly.”

It’s unclear how many of the arrests were students, but in a message to students, the university said one of the protesters was found to have a gun.

Students at the USF lined up Tuesday afternoon with umbrellas and wood shields. Video from Eagle 8 HD showed a group standing together in a circle with arms locked.

Tear gas deployed on USF protesters; 10 arrested | WFLA



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Found the Antifas.”
  1. its the 60s all over again.. same stupidity same twisted morons.. meanwhile We the People will live our best life.

  2. Regarding the Florida yahoos, I’d like to see DeSantis sign a bill that would require “Student” or “Non-Student” on every mug shot. I want to know how many of the arrestees (typically the violent ones) are actually the leaders versus how many are the dumb-ass sheep.

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