There is a trans-activist freak named Danielle Muscato.  He went to Kroger where apparently he had a run-in with a customer who wasn’t wearing a mask.  He reported it to the manager who did what he was able to do under Kroger’s corporate policy.

That was not enough for Muscato, who decided to shame and cancel the poor manager.


In this day and age, I understand why Andy the manager didn’t want Twitter to know who he was.

Now, on to the Kroger policy.  This is a copy provided by a Kroger employee:


It says quite explicitly that the offending customer should not be removed from the store.

For years, stores like this have prohibited employees from dealing with shoplifters because they didn’t want associates to be harmed for trying to be heroes.

Does anybody think that the same store associate who are expressly forbidden from dealing with a person running out the door with armfuls of merchandise are going to be given the authority to manhandle customers who don’t want to wear a bullshit mask?

Actually, Moscato thinks exactly that.

So he decided to try and ruin Andy the manager’s life.

I said Danielle Moscato is a freak.  He is.

He claims to be trans.  He makes no effort to appear to be a woman or even act like a woman, except for putting on earrings and a sundress.  He even goes so far as to talk about his penis.


What he clearly is, is a radical Leftist SJW provocateur.



He is the ultimate crybully.  He can be as aggressive as he wants and then attack anyone who pushes back as a TERF and transphobe.

This is not transgenderism.  This is wearing a trans identity as Social Justice armor.

So what we have here is a crybully Social Justice Warrior who is trying to destroy the life of an unassuming grocery store manager for following a benign corporate policy that hasn’t sufficiently empowered this crybully piece-of-shit freak to harm someone who didn’t wear a mask.

Since the non-mask wearer was not photographed, I am dubious that interaction even occurred and this freak is trying to destroy Andy because he doesn’t like his face or whatever with a lie.  We’ll never know.

Fortunately, right now Twitter has rallied around Andy the manager and not Mostaco the freak.

In other cases, the canceler has won.

So here is where I think – and honestly hope – cancel culture is headed.

I’ve seen this meme a few times:

It’s 100% true.

Sometime in the near future, some guy, maybe a small business owner on the edge because of the COVID lockdown or riots or some shit, is going to get canceled over nothing, like calling a customer “ma’am” who identifies as nonbinary.  The petty shit that gets people canceled.

That individual, seeing his picture being taken and uploaded to Twitter will simply beat his canceler within an inch of his life or possibly to death before his canceler can hit “post.”

There will be very painful, real-world consequences to trying to cancel someone.

Two people will have a disagreement, one will pull out the phone to snap a pic to upload and the violence will ensue.

And I will be 100% supportive of that.

It is well past time that we normals stop fearing the cancelers and the cancelers start to fear us normals.

If the person who tries to get someone fired, thrown out of their apartment, and have their life ruined over some petty bullshit ends up having to drive a wheelchair around with their tongue, they deserved it.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Freak tries to get Kroger manager canceled and where I think/hope cancel culture ends up”
  1. The fact that Muscato can exist and behave the way he does shows how tolerant and easy life is today. In other eras or regions, his behavior (or he himself) would quickly cease to exist.

    1. He would, at a minimum, be exiled. The Romans might have kept him as a freak, but most likely he’d end up working in a mine, quarry, or a field somewhere, as he’s not a convincing woman.

  2. Oh ho, -this- … person. Dave ‘Danielle’ Muscato. Has been calling themselves Danielle since 2014, has done ZERO work in trying to ‘pass’. Makes me think of Canadian creepstalker Jonathan Yaniv, latching onto ‘trans’ to use it as a club on other people.

    Amusingly, now there is a Gofundme set up for Manager Andy to go on a vacation.

    The GFM’s goal was $5k, and so far it’s at $19k.

    Talk about a huge upraised middle finger to Dave.

  3. Want to bet that “Danielle” has had a previous negative experience with the Kroger Management and/or Andy himself?

    Some people just want to make the whole world hate each other as much as they hate themselves.

  4. As for Andy’s future with the company — he WAS following the policy, and it looks like he manages a Marketplace store. You don’t get to manage one of those without experience and a good record. At most he’ll be asked to disengage sooner from Karens.

  5. In the vein of both “All’s fair in love and war” and “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”, where does Muscato work and what kind of employee is he? Where does he live, and does his HOA/COA/landlord endorse him behaving this way toward others during a health and economic crisis?

    (I honestly believe it’s no coincidence that, during an economic crisis where unemployment is high and good jobs are hard to find, the Left is busying themselves with pressuring companies to fire good people from those jobs. I mean, it’s not like there’s a paucity of real problems to solve, or anything.)

    The Leftist activists are winning in a lot of areas because — metaphorically (and sometimes literally) — they’re bringing knives to a boxing match, while the powers-that-be on the Right insist on holding themselves to Marquis of Queensbury rules. At some point, the Right needs to decide if keeping their delicate sensibilities is worth losing the culture war forever.

    Because the Left won’t be content to just win; they’ll do everything they can to write the Right out of history completely. Future dissent becomes more difficult if potential dissenters have no historical context to compare with their present, and no language to objectively describe it.

    Which are both principles straight out of 1984.

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