Things have gone mostly smoothly for the blog this week. A configuration error took the blog offline for a short period of time. That was corrected.

We also had a security scan done which slowed the site down a little bit while it was going on. Hopefully we won’t have to do that for a while.

Some of you are taking advantage of the Polls in order to leave comments. Well done.

We are getting tips from our readers which we greatly appreciate.

I tried our first members only posting. Unfortunately for our subscribers they didn’t get the notification that there was more content.

We are still trying to get more members. Thank you for everybody that has already become a member. It helps keep the blog up and running.

Feedback suggestions:

  • What do you think about the polls?
  • Are we covering the right types of events?
  • What would you like to see more of?
  • Do you prefer the hard news reporting over the mostly opinion pieces?
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By awa

12 thoughts on “Friday Feedback”
  1. Something you could do is have the member’s only stuff posted regularly, but have it be just the title and a link to the member’s area. That way non members can at least see that there is content they can’t read.

  2. Polls to me are “meh”.. ALL the content is good to see. Being America we can chose what we want to read. As long as you guys dont get sucked into posting excessive amounts of “athletes jailed in russia” stupidity Im good. Heh heh..

    1. Damn, I was going to write about the anti-American that got jailed in Russia because she broke the law and how Biden is talking about offering to release a nasty piece of work to get this ungrateful, privileged brat released.

  3. I like the polls! Meant to comment as much the other day buy got distracted logging in. No further comments on other questions.

    I do, personally, hate to have to log in to use a service such as commenting that functions absolutely fine without a log in box. You are pretty much the only service I will make an exception for, literally anything else is not worth it to me.

    1. Let me look into how to keep you logged in. It really should be that once you log in you stay logged in.

    2. Once you have logged in, you should stay logged in for a long time. I hope this helps.

      Update: You should stay logged in as long as your session stays open. That means if you keep your browser open it should retain the cookie. You should only need to log back in if you logout, exit the browser, or reset your computer/device.

      1. I appreciate that and staying logged in once logged in is not an issue. Its the act of needing to. Also any site side changes you make are irrelevant if I clear cookies on exit etc. I would not devote much time to it if it is to only satisfy me.

          1. 1Password for me, but, yeah, it certainly helps. (Especially the auto password generator.)

          2. Saving passwords in your browser is very naughty in the IT world.

            I use a password manager as well, but I’m gonna have to look at bitwarden a little more closely, looks nifty.

  4. Polls – okay with them, not really a strong opinion either way.
    I would like to see a return of the right-hand sidebars showing recent posts and comments, particularly the latter; I find it nice to see whether someone has commented on an article without actually having to go to it. (Which is also fractionally more effort if it’s not one of the most recent three.) ETA: I see they’re at the bottom of the page past the articles; so it’s more of a placement thing than a presence or absence.
    Generally, though – good job, guys!

    1. I’ve moved the recent comments and recent posts up a couple of notches. When you are looking at the page in narrow mode, it will come at the bottom.

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