The GFZ admin had a short discussion and decided that we do want to add links for those organizations that are fighting for the Second Amendment. To that end, if you have a favorite organization let us know in the comments.

There have been a number of cases that are making progress, I’ll continue to bring updates as I get them or I find new cases.

Hagar has a couple of new articles out and J.Kb and Miguel keep cranking them out.

In the next week I’m going to do an article on PACER and RECAP. PACER is where you buy court documents. RECAP is a site that collection PACER documents for others to use. I’m looking at being able to put out a call for our readers to add documents from PACER to RECAP. Since you get $30 dollars worth of PACER documents per bill period free, this might work well for us.

We are going to be doing some site work later this week as it is time for a WordPress update. This will cause a brief outage.

Anything else you want to tell us about, feel free in the comments.

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By awa

2 thoughts on “Friday Feedback”
  1. If you are including state level 2A organizations, I’d like to nominate CCDL (Connecticut Citizens Defense League), They lobby for gun rights and have pursued many litigations both alone and in concert with other organizations. Some have been successful, many, up until Bruen, were not, but they are re-litigating some that were shot down before Bruen now. They have been and are in it for the long haul.

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