Last night, I pushed out my first article using the new citation engine. Please let me know if you have any feedback on it, thank you.

Hagar has a couple of articles out this week. Great engagement, as always. She has at least one more article ready to go and more in the queue.

I also want to apologize, the meme I posted that I got from e-mail was modified from the original, cutting off the original creator’s marks.

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By awa

2 thoughts on “Friday Feedback”
  1. Re the altered meme: AWA, You have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who committed intellectual theft, and then passed it around. Stupid thing to do. Worse that you got caught up in it. Please blow my account.

  2. Digging the citations it touches a spot in my pedantic shriveled heart and will help me organize my thoughts and information

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