By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Friday Funnies”
  1. With the amount of spam calls I get every day that middle one… I have actually had to have scheduled do not disturb turned on because these idiots call me when I’m asleep. I work nights . I don’t go to bed until after midnight . I don’t want to deal with you at four-five o’clock in the morning.

    And yes I have tried filters but they call using local numbers.

    1. They’re SPOOFING local numbers. For some reason the phone system lets callers send a fake caller ID, and spammers the world around have taken advantage of that.

      Since that’s ALSO how SWATTING calls are made, that ability should be removed as a safety measure.

      And the US should require all calls originating from overseas to properly identify the caller.

      1. I agree 100%, and it really bothers me that this hasn’t been proposed yet alone pushed hard.
        The right answer is that all telephone carriers need to be required (not permitted, REQUIRED) to block all calls with forged caller ID. In particular that means any call arriving from outside the country with a US “caller ID” attached to it.

        I’ve been told that this sort of thing doesn’t pass because law enforcement agencies use forged caller ID and they don’t want that ability to go away. I view that excuse as utterly invalid.

  2. There is an error on the ‘do not invade’ map.

    The OR/CA border area should be labeled ‘Pot Growers’, and if you think THEY don’t know how, or aren’t motivated to defend their turf….

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