By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Friday morning schadenfreude”
  1. Hey, hey, hey now. I drive a Miata, have owned 3 of them. Most fun car you can buy for the price. Don’t buy into the stereotypes. 🙂

  2. I have known conservatives that drove Priuses.
    Self-deprecating conservatives, to be sure, but all the same.
    A Miata is not outside the realm of possibility. Outside of probability, but still possible.
    Now had it been a New Beetle, that would ne a different matter.

  3. I just put $45 into my SUV. Last year at this time it would have been around $36, but according to the news, the lower prices were due to COVID because nobody was driving and the higher prices are because people are driving more or something. No mention of China Joe shutting down oil production on federal land.

  4. I drive a Mustang. V8. 500HP.
    And it gets better mileage than my SUV.
    ..ok, but it drinks 93 octane….

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    1. Oh great, same criminal gang, different text. Looks like you need a blacklist on any post that mentions that domain name. Just delete them instantly (including the ones already posted, please).

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