I love the old Disney live action movies.

It’s been fun introducing my son to the original 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Swiss Family Robinson, etc.

My favorite live action Disney movie is from 1991.

The Rocketeer.

What a great movie.  Just fun action-adventure combined with a 21-year-old Jennifer Connolly.

Supposedly, Disney  is going to rape that franchise to death.

There is in the works a “reboot sequel” in which Cliff Secord (the original Rocketeer) goes to fight in WWII, disappears in Nazi territory and in 1950 his rocket pack falls into the hands of a new Rocketeer, who is a black woman and former Tuskegee Airman.

While I honor the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen, there were no women Tuskegee Airmen and no women combat aviators until 1993.

So Disney is going to race and gender swap a reboot, in full social justice mode, my favorite Disney movie from when I was a kid.

And I can guarantee Cliff Secord won’t be dead.  The big twist will be he hot captured by the Nazis and sided with them.

Fuck Disney to death.  I hope DeSantis bulldozes their theme park and turns it into public housing.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Fuck Disney to death if they rape my favorite 90s movie franchise”
  1. Oh they’re going the Netflix route. And all the SJW’s will cry ‘racism/sexism’ when the movie tanks.

  2. Time and time again, I like the way you think and reason J.Kb. The fact that today’s Disney exists in my state enrages me. Public Housing would be several steps up morally from what is there today.

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