By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Futurama was only off by 10 years”
  1. Lets let all the liberals try it first… I think the nazis had stuff like this in the early 40s….wernt they called “concentration camps ?”….all these idiots all orgasmic about this like its the fountain of youth..

  2. “Maybe that’s the problem we’ve been facing all along, these people read dystopian science fiction and think it sounds wonderful.”

    You’re describing the leftists…..

  3. “Brave New World” featured ‘free love’ and drugs. OK, most people never advanced mentally or emotionally past kindergarten, but they had sex and drugs.

  4. Once again, “Soylent Green” is becoming reality, you know, the suicide centers.

    How far are we from “Logan’s Run”? Renew, renew! (Hmmm, maybe shout that when opening up on a BLM or Antifa march… nah…. yeah…. nahhhh…)

    1. Yeah, a few months back I was suspecting Logan’s Run would put in an appearance soon. I anticipate a diminishing life expectancy for the population at large, while the ruling class tries to become immortal.
      Also, watch out for the Larry Niven organ-bank stories starting to come true.
      … And, now as I think about it, our current ruling class would see nothing wrong with the Jackson’s Whole clone-body business. The technology isn’t there, yet, but they’d surely avail themselves of it if it were.

    2. Soylent Green nailed it though… the film is set in 2022, and since the death centers had been around for a few years at least…..

  5. “It’s Utopian. It’s Brave New World stuff,” the woman says, glowingly.

    Er, Brave New World was a dystopia. It was not a how-to manual. This makes my head explode.

  6. Why am I not surprised in Even the Slightest.

    Those zombies in the intro?
    I don’t know which is worse. Them or the damn machine.
    “Die’in for Dollars”…nice.
    We’ve come along way baby.

    “if you do too much people get dependent on you. And if you do nothing, they lose hope… when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”

  7. In 2020, only slightly over 50% of suicides were with a firearm.
    48,344 Americans died by suicide.
    Firearms accounted for slightly more than half (50.54%) of all suicide deaths.
    24,433 by firearms.

  8. Good grief, I am getting really short tempered with stupid people i my old age.
    Let me see, out law gun and suicides will just cease. Why don’t we outlaw murder and murders will no longer happen. Lets make bank robbery illegal and those won’t happen any more. (Watch the news. Its the time of year that bank robberies increase alot. People need money for x-mas.)

    Oh good grief. I forget. These things are already against the law, but they still happen every day. Any more really stupid statements and ideas from the fools?

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