By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Gabby Giffords incredible admission: Gun Control does not work.”
  1. “Gabby Giffords incredible admission: Gun Control does not work.”

    Meh. As the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    When Gaby and her ilk stop demonizing law abiding citizens and 2A, then I’ll pay them any attention to what they might have to say. Until then, all I hear blah blah blah gun control blah blah feeeelz blah blah whinne blah blah evil ultra shootier assault glocks blah blah blah.

  2. This isn’t an admission of failure. It’s a demand for more. She said “We know, as always, that no one law could prevent a shooting like this.” Meaning, we need many more laws to prevent a shooting like this, because no “one” law is gong to do it.

    1. Agree with Shrimp. It is a preface that we need thousands of laws, legal peril, and obstacles so that owning a firearm is effectively impossible.

      She is also using it as a means to not have to offer any proposals or solutions. It is cowardice or laziness to wring your hands about a problem and offer zilch.

  3. Ms. Gifford, if we quarantined the -what, six? Eight?- largest cities in America (I’m looking at you, Chicago, Baltimore, etc), and looked at this violence rate, and then looked at the rest of the country’s violence stats, USA violence would resemble non Muslim over run Europe. What do all these hyper violent cities have in common? Leftist administrations, gun-unfriendly policies, and lotsa welfare.

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