By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “Gather the bois, I wanna be king”
  1. I’m in if you put me in charge of the MOD Pattern Room/Royal Armories. I’ll take my payment merc wages 50/50 in hard currency and a couple months of production from the Radway ammo plant.

  2. The Southwest Florida blogshoot team is with you. But only if you eliminate the letter “Q” from the alphabet once we are victorious ….

  3. I’m in.

    All I want is one of those candy machines that I saw in the Underground stations when I was there in the 70s. That had 2-bar KitKats.

  4. Can I rebuild and occupy Hardknott Roman Fort? The scenery is spectacular, even if the winter weather is horrible.

  5. There was a cartoon once (SMBC?) where an American tourist found he had unintentionally brought his gun to the UK, and it cuts to two days later, where he is enthroned on a pile of skulls.

    1. Yeah, I know that one too but i can’t remember the name… The webcomic as a whole was ok but that particular strip was gol1d 😀

      It wasn’t SMBC, more like an “alt-right” version of it. 😀

    2. I was looking for that strip! I thought I had it saved on my phone but can’t find it. It would have been the perfect addition to this post.

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