Specially if you are perceived to stray of the Democrat Closet.

“Which one of you assholes is the gay?” and ““You fucking belong to a Party that writes our destruction into its platform,”  Jeff LeTourneau, the Vice Chairman of the Orange County Democrat Party, is captured on video viciously attacking and berating volunteer signature gatherers simply because they are gay and supporting the recall of State Senator Josh Newman who voted to increase the car and gas tax.

Source: VIDEO: OC Dem co-chair verbally attacks then stalks petitioner to car | San Diego Gay and Lesbian News

And then, even after told to stay away, the Political Homophobe follows Hale to his vehicle.

Next we will have Antifa stomping Gay “fashes” I guess.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Gay are no longer a protected political species.”
  1. You’d better toe the party line… or else! This crap happens way too much in both parties. Question the orthodoxy and you’re a heretic and worthy of vitriol and threats. If one has to resort to tactics like these instead of discussing the merits/drawbacks of the issue, one has no valid point to make.

  2. Dollars to donuts they got more signatures simply because of that asshat liberal being a complete asshat liberal to the petitioners. If you want to see a condensed version of entire dynamic of the election and why Trump won so handily, this is your video.

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