I know Miguel showed the video earlier, but I wanted to touch on something he didn’t.


The voice over the loudspeaker calmly asking these people to “stop damaging the Democratic party of Oregon headquarters” and what the consequences of “vandalism and/or graffiti” is “arrest or citation.”

Notice how that is not making violent and destructive rioters stop smashing windows.

The Portland Police then had one of the most boring humans explain to the public what is going on and remind people to make their voices heard without violence.

He was quick to remind everyone that the Portland Police didn’t deploy CS gas.

If you thought that Biden’s inauguration would be the beginning of the crackdown on Antifa, because they outlived their usefulness, I have a great investment opportunity for you, a ski resort in the mountains of Northern Alabama.

Antifa will be the front line shock troops to do the face stamping of Conservatives.  They’ve proven themselves in combat against the Proud Boys.  Why would the Democrats want to eliminate them?


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Gentle reminders aught to work”
  1. Antifa activities will subside nationally, but they’re going to continue to happen in Portland, Seattle, and a few other locales… just to keep the hardliners involved and keep things on a low simmer.

    Seattle and Portland have been home to a sort of nonstop, continuous, slow-motion riot since November of 1999 and the WTO riots. Those anti-trade rioters morphed into “anti-war” protesters, who morphed into “Occupy Wall Street,” which morphed into BLM and Antifa. It’s like a hydra, cut off one excuse for rioting and two more take its place.

    There’s literally a whole cottage industry of riot infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest: books, pamphlets, magazines, lectures, motivational speakers, university classes, t-shirts, food trucks, et cetera.

    It must also be understood that this black bloc hydra doesn’t actually have a “head.” There is no single Antifa organization, there’s no single leader, no board of directors. Nor are they getting planning memoranda from Hillary Clinton or marching orders from Nancy Pelosi. But there is a leadership, charismatic individuals or small groups with an organizational knack, who steer and direct the crowds. They’re the ones that organize things, pick the times and locations, and herd the crowds.

    They don’t take orders directly from the Democratic Party, but they take their cues from them. If Kamala Harris ever asked “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest!?” Then black clad mobs will take to the streets to cancel her chosen Thomas à Becket.

    It’s the sort of disorganized organization that Heinlein wrote about in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

    Antifa is going to go into power save mode in most of the US, until they’re needed for the midterms and the 2024 general election. But they’re going to be a constant part of life for us here in Portland (probably Seattle, Baltimore, and San Francisco too) the entire time.

    1. You perfectly described Islamic and Anti-Israel terrorism. A loose network. A few high profile individuals but not a firm top-down structure. Kept at arms length from the government of Iran, close enough to do some bidding but far enough to not be a liability. That model has been very effective for them, no reason it shouldn’t be effective for the Left.

  2. Don’t make them 50′ tall. They’ve been able to stand off against police who aren’t allowed to hurt them and in a street brawl against opponents the police will pick off for them.

    They’re actually proud of shield wall tactics, despite that formation being long, long out of date — and their being bad at it anyway. And this in a country where, at least in the past, every school boy could tell you why marching in ranks and files is a Bad Idea when you’re against Americans.

    1. Don’t underestimate them.

      Rank and file shield walls worked for the Angles, the Saxons, the Norse, et. al., in the era they were favored because they worked quite well against the tactics and technology they faced.

      When things changed, they adapted. There was only a single generation between the Norman Conquest and the Crusades…

      Antifa’s shield wall tactics are also effective against the counter-tactics they face nightly. If things change, they’re going to adapt. I’ve already seen them begin to have two or three people in every bloc openly carrying shotguns and modern sporting rifles. This might end now that Bad Orange Man isn’t in office, but it shows that their tactical “Overton Window” has shifted.

      Let’s also remember that these guys are the spiritual (and often literal) grandchildren of the Weather Underground, Earth First, and similar groups of bomb building terrorists. It’s quite possible that they’ll revert to type and start blowing people up.

      1. It’s also quite possible the American people will be done with it and apply retribution on a wide enough scale there cease to be descendants of the Weather Underground and similar groups.

    2. Shield walls work great when the enemy doesn’t have guns or longer reach weapons. Its perfectly fibe when your fighting small groups of brawlers or cops who can’t use their side arms.

      1. They were proud they could advance and maintain their line. Real shield walls can advance, wheel, and withdraw without breaking the line. The Romans could swap out the front line without breaking their line.

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