A Leftist calling for ethnic (demographic) cleansing, how original.

It’s the responses by these women that I find shocking.


I hope their husbands see this.  You marry a woman, take care of her, build a life with her, and she agrees to have you sent away on a prison ship in order to virtue signal to a racist blue check mark 9n Twitter.

There was one Tweet I saw that was the absolute truth:



“Mommy loves you, but mommy is willing to have you exiled so she can likes on Twitter.”

To the husbands of these women, take your children and go. Clearly your wives have had their brains rotted with Leftism.  Your wives love their Twitter likes from fellow travelers more than they love you.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “Gentlemen, call your divorce attorneys”
  1. This feels like the 21st century reinvention of the Shakers, a bizarre cult that died out because of the notion that procreation was a bad idea.

  2. The poor sods won’t believe this until the Ministry of Truth and Reconciliation knocks on their door, and wifey shows them where they’re hiding. Kinda like those guys on reality cop shows don’t believe their wife tried to hire a hit man to kill them for the insurance money, even when shown the undercover video.

  3. We’re are living in “Black Mirror” times. SMDH
    This crap reminds me of the episode “Nosedive” (among others).

  4. Is it just cis het dudes or can me and my gay friends come too?

    Because, honestly, spending a week on a cruise ship filled with gay dudes costs a lot of money. But if these psychotics want to pay for my ticket…

  5. I’m reading these responses, and….

    The first response: Her husband would agree to “take one for the team”. That’s a hell of “one” to take; it basically amounts to “it all”. I hope he realizes, if his teammate is willing to throw him under the bus like that, she doesn’t see him as a “teammate”, does she?

    Second response: If she’s willing to go forward, she’d apparently miss the likes more than she’d miss her hubby. I hope he knows that.

    Third response: If he’d understand so easily, he’s not a “good man”; he’s a “good slave”. And the fact she’d go along shows she values her man-slave less than the white plantation owners valued their cotton-pickers. At least THEY were seen as a valuable investment.

    The last response is the best. If these “women” would ditch their husbands so quickly and for so little real reward, who’s to say they wouldn’t to the same to their sons, the future generation of husbands and fathers?

    This should be an example, when the sons are grown and seeking their own spouses, of what kind of woman to avoid like the plague.

  6. I won’t get on a barge. I won’t get in the box car. That is why I am armed. Try to MAKE me go anywhere, and I solemnly swear that wherever I wind up going, several of my wannabe captors are coming with me.

  7. If you put that many newly single men on a boat don’t be surprised when they aren’t very nice on return after going a Viking. That many men on a boat will find a new place to call their own simply by being able to take it over by shear numbers and aren’t likely to treat women as equals any more.

    I almost want to write a book with this as the plot but I don’t know if i should do a fantasy or a Science fiction setting for it, a regular fiction setting would be too depressing if assholes try to use it as a instruction book.

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