CNN had Cardi B interview Joe Biden.

I truly don’t give a shit what was said.

This is the situation as I see it.

A major media network had a former stripper and prostitute who admitted to drugging men to rob them turned rapper interview a career politician and serial plagiarist with 44 years of grifting as his greatest accomplishment, most known for inappropriately touching women and girls, because the major media network thought the 27 year old rapper with a chart topping song bragging about her vaginal lubrication was the perfect person to explain why the senile old political is the moral paragon to lead this country.

We don’t need an election.

We need an army of patriots with a fleet of killdozers to fix this.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Gentlemen, start your killdozers”
  1. Apparently Biden used it as an opportunity for another major gaffe. When asked about “free Medicare” he said that yes, he wants that.
    Oops. Presumably he had no idea what he was agreeing to.

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