By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Georgia State Representative needs to lie to excuse the repeal of SYG.”
  1. Wow. Just … wow.

    So many lies and false implications in two little Tweets.

    There is no “chase & hunt” provision in any SYG law, in any state. This is a demonstrable fact in both statutory and case law.

    Black victims disproportionately benefit from SYG laws. Every unbiased query into the case results shows this. (Also, the implication that the black person shot in legal self-defense — which by definition would make him/her the assailant — is a “victim”, and that everyone legally shot under the SYG provision is black. It says a lot more about him and what he thinks of black people.)

    And then the obligatory Trayvon Martin reference, the “17-year-old boy with a bag of Skittles”. If he knew anything about the situation or the trial of George Zimmerman (and the facts presented at the trial), he’d know that, first and foremost, Trayvon ambushed George — there was no chasing down other than Trayvon’s actions. Second, SYG never came up at trial; George was pinned down and physically unable to retreat, so SYG (more accurately, the absence of a duty to retreat) didn’t even apply.

    But really, most likely he does know all this. He’s counting on his supporters NOT knowing (or not caring). It says a lot about a man and his agenda when he depends on ignorance and malice to support his argument.

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