Just leaving this here.

The 22-year-old chef, who fled Afghanistan after the Taliban killed his father, immediately set about decorating it with an Afghan bedroll, a Persian rug and an Afghan flag. The low building that flanks his new home looked unremarkable to him. But to a German, the distinctive, elongated shape is rather unsettling, and for good reason. Ashkan’s new home is in a part of Dachau, a former concentration camp where the Nazis murdered 41,500 people, some in agonising medical experiments

Source: The refugees housed at Dachau: ‘Where else should I live?’ | World news | The Guardian


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Germany gets creative with refugee housing.”
  1. So what?
    We run out of space.

    We’re already using hotels, gyms, army and police barracks, churches, vacation rentals, schools, etc.
    Winter is coming and you wouldn’t want to live through the frost in a tent.

    Of course, we would have more space if our stupid government kept international laws but hey, here we are.

  2. We might as well put a sign at the borders saying terrorist are welcome, what is the newest population control.

  3. This may be insensitive, but…

    Am I the only one picking up that a man named Ash Can (Ashkan) is living in a former German extermination camp?

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