Both Miguel and I wrote posts about the movie The Hunt.

It is a movie about rich Liberals who kidnap and murder poor Trump supporters for fun.

It was supposed to be released last year and was canned.  After much public backlash, it’s back to being released and is supposed to hit theaters in two days (Friday the 13th).

Here is the review from the New York Post:

There simply aren’t enough synonyms for “loathsome” to do the new movie “The Hunt” justice.

I haven’t seen it but from the trailer alone, I’d have to agree.

Take the phone texting conversation the so-called satire begins with: “Did you see what our ratf - - ker-in-chief just did?” says one person.

“At least the hunt’s coming up,” replies another. “Nothing better than going to the manor and shooting a dozen deplorables.”

That’s not subtle at all, is it.

We learn this carnage is called “Manorgate,” an event whispered about on far-right conspiracy websites in which the “elites” murder their ideological (and socioeconomic) opposites for sport.

It’s wonderful that Holywood fully admits how they feel about us.

Says one of the killers: “For the record, climate change … it is real!” before throwing a deadly gas bomb.

Disagree with Greta and you deserve to be gassed.

Crystal (Gilpin), a femme fatale whose killer instinct is only explained by her support of the Second Amendment, escapes to a roadside convenience store. However, we quickly learn it’s yet another cleverly disguised shooting range.

Second Amendment supporters are killers, but murderous Leftist elites are just purging the nation of backward thinkers.

That was the exact argument that every Socialist leader of the 20th century used to justify their gulags, concentration camps, death camps, killing fields, labor camps, and mass executions.

Conservatives murder because they are bad people.

Leftist murder because they are good people.  They are just taking out the human garbage.  We have to die because we refuse to bend at the knee and obsequiously follow their utopian machinations.

From then on, the secrets revealed about Manorgate, and its leader Athena (two-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank, who hopefully got lost on the wrong studio lot) are uninspired, and we never root for any of the crudely crafted characters on either side of the aisle.

That was deliberate.

Typically in a story, you are supposed to root for the underdog.  But what happens when the underdog is a mechanic from the South who drives a pickup truck with a Trump sticker on the bumper and an NRA sticker on the window?  You can’t have the audience root for that guy.

I know that a lot of people are going to say “but this movie will bomb, so what’s the point?”

The point is, Holywood knows it will bomb and not care.  How many war movies were made during the GW Bush years that were anti-American, anti-US troops, and made every solider into a psychopath or some dumb midwestern kid who got suckered into joining the army only to be abused and left with PTSD and a broken life?

That was… all of them.  Holywood lost money on all of them, but they didn’t care.  Those were not films to make money, they were films to proselytize their beliefs to Red States.  The studios made more than enough money on some two-hour CGI-fest toy Commerical to make up for the loss from lecturing middle Americans on how much America and the US military sucks.

This is no different.

Some Leftists will go to the theaters just to watch right-wingers get murdered.  Forget the Coronavirus, I’m more worried about the biohazard of Leftist pulling a Paul Rubens in the seats to the sight of some fat redneck getting murdered.

Some dumb kids will pay money to see this in middle America for the same reason SAW II through SAW IX were made, they want to watch gore and don’t care about the plot.

But even if this movie fails to make back even the cost of shipping the hard disks to theaters, the studio won’t care.  The point wasn’t to make money.  It was to tell Trump voters just how they in Holywood feel about us.

This is Holywood’s anti-Trump Triumph of the Will.

The thing is, this is also a 1 hour and 55 minute advertisement for the Boogaloo.  Go right ahead and tell 100 million Americans who own 400 million guns and a few hundred million rounds of ammo that you want to murder them for sport.  See if that fixes the discourse in America.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Go ahead, release the film, see what happens”
  1. I don’t think Hollywood has a nadir. That said, and in sort of related news, Weinstein just got 23 years in prison.

    “I don’t think we need guns in this country, and I hate it. I think the NRA is a disaster area. I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Howard. I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.” – Harvey Weinstein, 2014.

    I think the transition from “Epstein didn’t kill himself” to “Weinstein didn’t kill himself” in the next month or so should be pretty seamless.

    1. I am going to go out on and get on the bandwagon right away.

      Weinstein did not kill himself.

  2. Where The Purge was them projecting their violent beliefs onto us, The Hunt is them finally coming to terms with and embracing their own violent lunacy.

  3. The WSJ had an article about this “movie” today in which it was positioned as a satire. The article went into some detail describing three “jokes” that appear in it.
    Why exactly the moron who wrote that article thought those things were funny is entirely unclear. Why his bosses think he’s qualified to write for the WSJ is similarly unclear.

  4. They don’t want to fix discourse. Thet want only there’s and everyone not a part of or opposing theirs killed. It does not matter if they have to kill literally half the population of the country. They don’t really care. I suspect they wouldn’t care much if they had to kill 90% of the country. The left does not value human life except as an extrinsic value in term of how much it generates. And if that extrinsic value does not have value to the Democrats or the left it has no value at all and is in fact in a negative sum to them. They do not view life as having any intrinsic value. Therefore the conclusion I believe the left has come up with is that all life has no purpose or value unless it is there own or supports there collective. That’s why they don’t care if they have to abort babies after they’re born. I point to New York. Babies have no extrinsic value. And if they get in power, van all guns and go forth with there effort confiscate all guns and kill all gun owners that literally shooting infants in the crib it’s all right because the infant is of no value to the collective being the offspring of one that opposes the collective. And that is why they do not care how many people they have to kill to achieve their dreams of liberal utopia because human life has no value in their utopia unless it supports the state. Therefore all human life that would oppose the state to them runs a negative value.

    1. Good write up. However thinking too hard about it, assuming that the folks on the left actually think about their actions.

      Instead, consider them toddlers. Granted, their cognitive abilities may be more advanced than that, but their actions are all driven by the very same processes as a toddler.

      For example. If you are dealing with a three year old, and they are convinced that they should have something you are in possession of, what do they do. Ask for it, demand it, then throw a tantrum. So, what does a leftist do when they want you to pay for their masters degree in hyphenated-American studies? First they ask, then they demand, then they elect government officials that will give them what they want. And, when that official does not get elected…. there are riots, counter protests, impeachments, investigations… in other words, a tantrum.

      Disagree with a toddler, and they have ZERO interest in finding out why they are not correct, and learning anything. No, they go straight to hitting, biting, kicking. If your average three year old had access to guns, I am sure there would be plenty of parents in graves because the birthday gifts were not EXACTLY what they asked for. And, your average leftist is equally uninterested in hearing a differing opinion, or facts that dispute their well held beliefs. And, god help anyone that disagrees with them when they are in a position of power.

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