Had China used the New York and Los Angeles Times to smuggle a couple of nukes into the US and set them off in New York City and LA, I don’t think Chin and the media could have caused more damage to our national economy.

It’s clear that the boarding up of the US and hit to the global economy that the Coronavirus has caused happened only because China put more effort into combatting anything that would make it look bad than combatting the spread of the virus.

When all of this finally passes and we take stock of everything that we have lost, I want Trump to put in place trade deals that economically isolate China from the rest of the world as much a possible.  Then look at China and say with full Trumpian inflection:

“You know that national debt that we owe you?  Suck my YUGE silky smooth balls, you’re not getting once cent of that back.  Fuck you and make America great again.”

China should pay for what they did to us in cold cashey money.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Go full Trump on China”
  1. Best idea I’ve heard in a while. Calculate the cost to the country and deduct it from any money owed to china

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