California did it.  They came up with a policy that is so over the top it will be the anvil the breaks the camel’s back.

Personally, I love this policy.

I think it is brilliant.

I can get a round trip flight from Huntsville to LAX for about $400.

I have a $2,000 deductible.

It is cheaper for me to fly to California and go to a hospital without ID than cover my deductible.

Anything more expensive than $500 and not an emergency and I’ll fly out to the golden state and check myself into an ER under the name Juan Rodriguez.  I can speak passable Spanish.  I identify as an illegal and fuck you for not believing me you racist.

Thank you California tax payers for voting for Trump hating idiots.

I’ll never worry about the burden of health care ever again.

Especially if my cancer comes back.  I’m sure Mark Zuckerberg’s state income tax is more than enough to cover Juan Rodriguez’s chemotherapy.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Go woke, go broke, California State edition”
    1. Sadly, they won’t. They’ll move to cheaper, more free parts of the USA.
      And then, once they get established, they’ll start voting for the same big government, high taxes, high regulation crap that drove them out of California in the first place.

  1. Everybody in California and all the neighboring states will suddenly become “illegal aliens.” In 2 or 3 months, maybe less, all of the health care facilities will be swamped, with lines out the door. In 4 months, half of the doctors will have relocated. In 5 months, California will be begging for federal aid. In 6 months, Congress will vote to expel California from the Union. In 7 months, a revolution will topple the Nation of California’s ruling junta. In 8 months, the constitutionalist, conservative republic of California will petition the United States to be admitted to that great nation as one or several states….

  2. Except… socialized medicine. Your “cancer treatment” will be a couple of baby aspirin and an offer to shove your face in a pillow.

  3. “Thumbing their nose” isn’t the metaphor I’d use.
    More like ‘stabbing themselves in the face with a fork repeatedly while asking “How do you like that!”‘

  4. Didn’t California try to pass universal healthcare for all residents a while back? And it got shelved, because all but the looney of them crunched numbers and figured out it was something like 3 times the state’s GDP? And now they want to do it just for illegals. Haha.

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