In case you missed the news, Carhartt brand clothing decided that it was still going to enforce a company wide mandatory vaccine policy despite the mandate being struck down by the Supreme Court.

Carhartt is a workwear company known for jeans and heavy duty work clothes for agriculture, construction, and other hard working blue collar people.

The hard working blue collar demographic is very anti-vaccine mandate and conservative leaning.

So immediately, the Right decided that they will no longer buy Carhartt workwear.

Fine, that’s people’s decision, and frankly, it’s good to see the Right push back against Left leaning Woke corporations.

The Left decided that they will retort by buying Carhartt to support them.

This is leading to lots of neurotic, Leftists white women in beanies.

The Carhartt stocking cap overnight has become the new pussy hat.

Once the item of clothing worn under a hard hat at a construction site in cold weather, it is now the hat of the triple vaxxed, Leftist wine mom or cat lady who wears a mask in her car and her her pronouns in her bio.


I wonder how much profit is to be made off white Progressives buying beanies compared to losses from blue collar workers not buying actual workwear?

I wonder how Carhartt executive management if feeling about this decision right now?


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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Go Woke go broke – Carhartt edition (because everything is stuipd)”
  1. I am kind of thinking Carhartt makes all of 0.0000000001% of their profits from hats.

    This is as meaningless as a hashtag campaign.

    1. And these hat purchasers will, for the most part, not become repeat customers.

      Work-wear purchasers tend to be “sticky” in my observation – it can be a pain to find what works best, and most won’t change without a good reason. (Including wokenese, but more importantly things like quality and fit consistency.)

      Woke-wear purchasers, on the other hand, go with the prevailing PC breeze. Nice Carhartt cap … ooh, look, there’s a company making pants out of reclaimed banana peels sourced from indigenous communities!

  2. Hmpf. And Carhartt used to be my favorite designer label, too!

    I don’t think any of the corporate officers pushing this sort of thing have considered that they haven’t been granted immunity from lawsuits, so coercing their employees into undergoing a medical treatment, let alone one that’s not actually approved, could land them (corporately and perhaps personally) in a heap o’ trouble eventually. And that’s not even considering whatever labor laws they may be violating.

  3. Next prediction: Carhartt’s quality will go down, because the new market isn’t going to demand the same toughness in the clothes. Users don’t need tough clothes to sit on their ass and post to socialist media like twitter, so why should they use expensive materials and techniques?

    1. It may have been starting to be a problem already. In recent months, before this crap cropped up, I was already noticing some comments re inconsistent sizing etc. in the reviews, when shopping for new jeans.

    2. It’s already started. The Carhartt jeans I had in the late 90’s/early 2000’s are far above and beyond recent production ones as far as quality goes. Boris’s comment about inconsistent sizing is also apt. I had ordered shorts in the same size I’ve been wearing for a couple years now and I could barely get my ass into them. Back they went and I’ve moved on to other brands for my jeans and cargo shorts that are more consistent in sizing and a better value.

      1. Out of curiosity, who do you go with these days?

        Might as well start looking for an alternate myself … between what I had already been noticing, and this, well, it’s time.

        1. I’ve had good luck with Dickie’s T shirts. Haven’t bought jeans.

          But my goto place now is Duluth Trading. Their “firehose” pants are awesome.

          1. I wanted to like Dickie’s, but I’ve had more than one tshirt ruined immediately in the wash, because the slightest hint of detergent bleaches it.

        2. I started buying the blue mountain jeans from Tractor Supply company and Magellan jeans from Academy.

          Duluth Trading Company is highly regarded, but the sticker shock is real unless you catch them on clearance. Same for Ariat, though some of their stuff definitely seems to be pushed towards the urban cowboy who thinks owning a Laramie Longhorn Ram or King Ranch Ford makes him a legit rancher. Quite a few guys I know that do work for a living like both brands.

          For outerwear, I grew up in Walls Outdoor Wear but I haven’t bought any in quite some time.

  4. Great.

    I usually order some Henley tees about once per year from Carhartt. They last basically forever; failure points are always at the collar from abrasion, from when I neglect to shave for a day.

  5. This is just the natural next step after SCOTUS shot down the mandate. Companies can still choose to implement one (thankfully mine went on record to not) but will have to live with consequences. This will sort itself out. They will either lose profits or employees or maybe both, hopefully they course-correct and change their minds.

    1. The interesting thing is that even Starbucks dropped their mandate when SCOTUS ruled. So Carhartt is further left than Starbucks? Wow.

  6. It’s Dick’s Sporting Goods all over again.

    Dick’s stopped selling AR-15s and cancelled all orders and eventually stopped selling guns, gun accessories, and ammo entirely. Gun owners cried foul and announced a boycott, Leftists praised them and announced a buy-cott.

    Problem is, a “Progressive” lady buying one pair of yoga pants one time “to show support” does not replace the revenue of the gun owner who bought a nice hunting rifle or two, brings them back in for service before every season, and buys all his ammo there.

    Dick’s stock price, as you might imagine, took a HARD hit, and to my knowledge has not fully recovered.

    Any business will tell you, your “regulars” are your lifeblood. One-off buyers will NEVER replace a loyal repeat customer.

    If more corporate boards realized this, we’d see far fewer businesses going Woke.

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