According to The Left, groups of “victims” are only allowed to think one way.

Blacks are victims of slavery, Jim Crow, red lining, and segregation.  The only acceptable way for blacks to think is that they are victims, living in a oppressive and racist society.  They are held back by white people.  The only way for blacks to get anything is from white Liberals in the form of goverment assistance and eventually reparations for slavery.

Hispanics are ALL related to illegal migrants.  Regardless of personal history and ancestry, they all support sanctuary cites, hate the INS, and every migrant fruit picker is one of their relatives.  They need the white Liberals to block building “the wall” and stop deportations and let DREAMers get free tuition at every college.

God forbid someone is black or Hispanic and thinks something differently, they will be roundly trashed as house negro, Uncle Tom, Coconut, or something equally vile.

Well, add “mass shooting victim” to that list.  If you survive a shooting, the only acceptable opinion is that guns are evil and they should all be banned and everyone who has one is a terrorist and should die so their guns can be taken from their cold, dead hands.

So when Kyle Kashuv, the MSD Student who actually met with legislators to do something useful, tweeted this:

The backlash was immediate.

The only way he couldn’t be anti-gun is because he’s not a real “victim.”

A kid goes to a legal range and shoots a legal gun under supervision AFTER pushing for legislation to protect students from mass shooters and he’s the problem.  Because guns.

He’s a victim, he can only believe one thing.

This is why he will never be on the cover of Newsweek or a Time 100, he went off the victim reservation and that is not allowed.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Going off the anti-gun plantation”
  1. 1 QUESTION- HOW MANY STUDENTS HAVE DIED FROM CAR WRECKS OR DRUGS??????? Until they HONESTLY answer that question, shut UP

    1. So I guess you all think Hoggy was a “survivor” after hiding in a closet and not being in the school to hear the “bullets flying’. Maybe he did that’s why he was in the closet. Talk about someone with a small mind. Not too small to be taken advantage of. Long live Hoggy and his pig-pen followers.

  2. Aahh, the “tolerant” progtards. Warms the heart looking at how quickly they savagely turn on anybody who doesn’t fall into their goose-stepping. Ugh. :-/

  3. “They are held back by white people. The only way for blacks to get anything is from white Liberals in the form of goverment assistance and eventually reparations for slavery.”

    Let me see if I can rephrase that ca. 1850: “Negros are better off being slaves in America rather than uncivilized savages in Africa. Therefore, slavery, while it has it’s problems, is basically good for the negroes.” Same song different year.

    The most racist people I know are white liberals who think that only they, backed by the government of course, can save the poor blacks, hispanics, muslims, gays, etc.

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