Around 1800 on Sunday some asshole went into the Greenwood Park Mall in Indiana. He was armed with a rifle and multiple magazines.

Unfortunately he was able to kill 4 females. Two others were wounded and are being treated at a local hospital.

His shooting spree was ended by a good guy with a gun. A licenced CCW holder used his carry weapon to end the shooting.

No information is given on the asshole so my guess is that he is one of the protected classes. We’ll find out in the coming days. Also unmentioned is the type of rifle used. So that means it is unlikely to be an AR-15.

For the Democrats this is another fortuitously timed event as the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021 is going to a vote on the house floor this week.

4 dead, 2 wounded in shooting at Greenwood Park Mall; police said ‘good Samaritan’ shot and killed shooter
3 dead, 2 injured in shooting at Greenwood Park Mall, suspect killed by armed citizen

H/T to one of our readers for the Fox 59 link

UPDATE: The articles quoted have been changed. The article now reflects coroner reporting that there were two male victims and one female victim and one male asshole.

It is also being reported that the mall is marked as guns for criminals only. The hero choose to ignore the sign and carried.

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By awa

7 thoughts on “Good Guy With a Gun: Greenwood, IN UPDATED”
  1. The articles say that one of those killed was female, not four. The first article counts the murderer among the dead, the second doesn’t — which in my view is the right way to report it.

  2. The reporting indicates that the mall in question is owned by the Simon group. From what I remember, they have a policy that all their malls are disarmed victim zones. I suspect they aren’t going to revise that idiotic policy.

    1. Yup. From the web site of Fox 59, the local station:

      Police say the 22-year-old from Bartholomew County had a legal gun permit. However, according to mall policy, the man should not have been carrying his handgun in the mall in the first place.

      Last updated in April 2020, Simon Property Group states in its code of conduct that no weapons are allowed at their shopping centers. The group is the owner of the Greenwood Park Mall.

      Greenwood Park Mall to get security upgrades
      While the property group has the ability to set policies against weapons, what the man did was not illegal. Despite not following the mall’s code of conduct, Greenwood Mayor Mark Myers says the man saved lives.

  3. It is also being reported that the mall is marked as guns for criminals only. The hero choose to ignore the sign and carried.

    According to Tamara Keel, an Indiana resident herself, the “No Guns” signage does not carry the force of law. So, yes, the mall might be marked, but anyone (including Shannon Watts) who claims the Good Guy was carrying illegally in a “Gun Free Zone” is lying.

  4. Interesting how the left are pushing very hard the narrative that this event was a failure for the 2nd Amendment because some good people were killed. I guess “good guy with a gun” only counts if no good people are killed.
    Lucy would be ashamed to pull the football like that.

    1. The left is able to push this narrative by bending the rules.

      A mass shooting is any event where 4 or more people are killed not counting the shooter.
      Modified to be any event where 4 or more people are killed including the shooter.
      Modified to be any event where 4 or more people are killed or wounded including the shooter.

      If a good guy stops the shooting before it becomes a mass shooting, then there was no mass shooting. No mass shooting stopped by a good guy with gun.
      If a good guy stops the shooting after it becomes a mass shooting, then the good guy with a gun didn’t stop the shooting.

      By definition there is no way for a good guy with a gun to stop a mass shooting. He can only end it after it is too late.

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