Apparently yesterday’s media coverage of the horrible case of James Younger, who is being transitioned into a girl by his mother at seven-years-old got the attention of Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

I still have concerns, because in my experience social workers have a tendency to lean Left, usually somewhere between Che and Mao.  But this is a good start.

Also, Red states should start trying to pass laws against the chemical or surgical transition of minors.

If they are not mature enough to consume alcohol or tobacco, because of the permanent damage those substances cause, then in no way should they be given endocrine system poison at 12-years-old.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Good News for James Younger”
  1. I’m hopeful. Governor Abbott was Attorney General before governor and knows how the AG’s Office works. The AG’s Office is heavily involved in child welfare by law in Texas

  2. Hopefully this will set a legal precedent that protects kids from their insane parent(s). That’d be about the only silver lining here.

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