The last nail in the coffin of the economy of California had been hammered home.

The only thing to do now is to blow the highways and bridges that connect the state to the rest of the US so that the people who voted this madness into place cannot leave and infect the rest of the country.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Goodbye California”
  1. How ’bout we ship all the toothless banjo-playing kinfolk back to the Other 49 from whence they came first, and then blow the bridges and highways. Nancy Pelosi, BTW, is a native Baltimoron, for but one example, so let’s start by repatriating her to her home town. When you’ve collected the 10M morons you’ve inflicted on us in the last 50 years who flipped this from a red state to a blue hive, I’ll set the demo charges off myself.

    Fair is fair.

  2. Had we been in less of a hurry departing California just over a year ago (frantically dodging winter storms and AB5), we might have backtracked just after the border, just long enough to put up a replica Checkpoint Charlie sign on the westbound side of the highway.

  3. “…so that the people who voted this madness into place cannot leave and infect the rest of the country”

    Your keyboard to God’s ears.

    @Aesop – “How ’bout we ship all the toothless banjo-playing kinfolk back to the Other 49 from whence they came first,”– I’m fine with that. But they didn’t come from here (DFW) originally, now they are descending like locusts.

    I see CA, MI, ILL, whatnot tags on cars every day. This keeps up this area will be ruined in a few years.

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