DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – A man trying to break into a Motel 6 room Saturday was shot in the rear end by the room’s occupant, according to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office.

Volusia County Sheriff’s Office public information office Andrew Grant said a man and a woman attempted to break into an occupied Motel 6 room in Daytona Beach on West International Speedway Boulevard around 3 a.m. The pair were trying to enter the room through a window and woke up the occupant who responded by firing a gun at them.

The man trying to get into the room was shot in the buttocks, deputies said.

Volusia deputies searching for man shot in backside during attempted motel break in

I love happy endings. and kudos to the author for the many uses of synonyms of ass.

One of the issues of traveling is the possibility of being targeted by the criminal element. The fact that you are not local, do not know the make up of the land and might be with your guard down makes for a very tempting target.  In our last two excursions, we stayed in budget motels that for the most part were nice, but there is always that shady looking guy roaming around who got my undivided attention till he realized we were not going to be partake of his criminal offerings and left for other locations. And it was a good decision since, specially the last one, since it was the SW Florida Blog Shot trip and there might have been a weapon or two in the room.

I have written about people  going to hotels and just relaxing their security mindset for no other reason that they are not home when the opposite was supposed to be the baseline. I still don’t understand why, but I hope the readers of this blog don’t fall for that trap. When you are on te road, stay twice as alert and wary as if you were home.

Hat Tip MarkC

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Got your butt shot for the trouble.”
  1. A rule I try to follow for travel is, if at all possible, don’t bring anything that can’t be replaced locally with a credit card.

    1. …except my EDC pistol. And the ammo

      Neither likely to be locally replaceable.

      Neither stays in my motel room, when I am not.

      1. Quite right, what I should have said is don’t leave anything in the room that can’t be easily replaced with a credit card.

  2. I think it was Neal Schulman who reported an interview done in FL years ago, when there was an epidemic of crime targeting tourists. The perpetrators were caught and subsequently interviewed by a reporter while in jail. They were asked if they specifically targeted tourists. Yes they did. Why? “Because they are not likely to be armed”.
    Good to remember. The story here is a reminder that this danger still exists.

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