Gov. John Hickenlooper on Friday reaffirmed his support of an ammunition-magazine limit, all in an attempt to quell the uproar surrounding his recent comments on the controversial gun control law at a gathering of sheriffs.

In an interview with Fox 31 Denver, Hickenlooper said, “I’d sign it again.”

He has declined interview requests from The Denver Post, which sought to have the governor explain his videotaped June 13 comments and their apparent contradiction with published accounts of the debate and the gun laws’ passage.

“(The sheriffs) asked me questions, and I tried to give them honest, unscripted, candid answers,” Hickenlooper told Fox 31.

In his remarks to sheriffs, captured by the conservative group Revealing Politics, Hickenlooper said only after the bill was signed into law did his staff obtain facts they “should’ve had from the beginning,” including that “roughly 300,000 magazines that carried more than 15 rounds” were already in Colorado.


Hickenlooper also told the sheriffs he never spoke to then-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a key financial backer of the gun-control measures. But phone records unveiled by a conservative blog revealed he did speak with Bloomberg when the debates were at their peak.

“He didn’t call and lobby me or have any influence on the decision I made about the bill,” Hickenlooper told Fox 31.

The governor said he had made up his mind to support the bill before he talked to Bloomberg.

via Gov. John Hickenlooper seeks to clarify gun comments – The Denver Post.

This guy is amazing. I have never seen somebody sinking in 2 different quicksand pits at the same time.  Kinda reminds me this famous scene from Chinatown:

Goes without saying that getting the truth out of Hickenlooper might not be that easy.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Gov. John Hickenlooper doing a Faye Dunaway”
  1. My Fav is “dumbnlooper” claiming he didn’t know the sheriffs meeting was being taped….

    SO… you thought you could lie to the sheriffs or the people afterwards?

    His next campaign song should be “Shaggy- Wasn’t Me”

    I also thin he thinks he is invincible. Apparently what happened to Morse, Giron and Hudak ( all recalled senators over these bills) seems to have been forgotten. He may have forgot.. but we Colorado Gun Owners have not.

  2. It’s the new political class: after what the Liar in Chief has been doing for the last 6 years, no politician even knows what the “truth” is anymore. Tell ’em what they want to hear, and it won’t matter. It’s pathological for these people.

    Oh, crap. “These people.” Racist dog-whistle. I denounce myself.

  3. Two lies by the same Democrat on the same subject, amazing!
    Incredible that those in Denver voted for this guy, more than once!

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