For those who have been advising Americans for years that we should lay down our own weapons and trust armed government employees to protect us and treat us with respect, 2020 has been a massive reality check. The year so far has demonstrated (once again) that the police can’t be relied upon to defend our lives and property, and often themselves pose threats against which we need to guard.

The Year Gun Control Died

The overreaching political groups had by transforming the killing of George Boyd into a frenzy of looting and arson has made the Gun Control movement to crash at least for the rest of the year.
But memories fade quick and new stories will come along. New gun “outrages” will make the news and the renewed calls for “common sense gun laws” will play again, but certainly with less power than before.

We have been joking abut the upcoming boom in used guns in this coming October. Somehow I don’t see it happening. Yes, some people will have buyers’ remorse or be short in cash for the Christmas gifts and will sell their new-in-the-box gun, but I have the feeling a lot of the new buyers will keep them, specially if they feel the elections will bring more violence.

We can be celebratory, but not ever say we are done.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Gun Control. Still a dangerous Zombie.”
  1. back when Deadpool dropped in the theaters, I was hoping for a spike in Desert Eagle .50AE handgun sales, with the subsequent flooding of the market of barely used ones. Sadly that didn’t happen.

  2. If Biden does manage to win (please Lord no!) I do predict a Yuge increase in tragic watercraft accidents along with a later boom in underwater metal detector sales.?

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