My News Feed sometimes has to stretch itself to provide me with something. That being said, sometimes it finds hilarious stuff:

The Big Four Bridge according to Wikipedia is ” a six-span former railroad truss bridge that crosses the Ohio River, connecting Louisville, Kentucky, and Jeffersonville, Indiana. It was completed in 1895, and updated in 1929.”

It goes on to say that it is restricted to pedestrian and bicycle use only, so I guess it is used in a touristy way or sort of elevated park. The page in TripAdvisor has 5 Terrible reviews and 7 Poor reviews.  Out of the 12, this one was the only one complaining about people doing Open Carry. The rest of the complain was either the bridge was a “meh” attraction or groups of “yutes” committing crimes.  Jumping to the Average reviews, the complains are also concentrated on crime by groups of young people.

I checked online and I did find some news items related to crimes on the bridge and adjacent area and indeed it has a history of gang-related issues, including a quadruple shooting.  Yet, the idiot in the first review had to clutch his/her pearl and fan his lady-parts because he saw citizens legally and peacefully carrying open sidearms, the same people who would come to help if trouble were to occur.

You can’t fix stupid and unfortunately they get to vote.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Gun Control Tourist Review.”
  1. I wonder if the trend in open carry caused the ‘bangers and miscreants to mysteriously dry up.

    I always wonder about that in places like Boston. It’s not like EVERYBODY in Mattapan or Jamaica Plane is a gang-banger….but unlike my town, Boston won’t give poor minorities living in bad neighborhoods carry permits.

    The bad guys are pretty rare, but when they monopolize force they rule the streets.

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