About 5:54 a.m. today, Cobb police received a call about an active shooter at the FedEx facility at 1675 Airport Road in Kennesaw, Officer Mike Bowman told the AJC.
“We have multiple victims at this time that have been transported to a local area hospital,” he said in a statement. “We have multiple agencies assisting us with this incident. The area around the building has been secured and the officers are now clearing the incident location. This is still an active and fluid situation.” It is not clear if a suspect is in custody.
2 of 6 FedEx shooting victims in critical condition; suspect dead.

FedEx Shooting
Click to enlarge

Let’s see: Posted Gun Free Zone? Check. Active shooter? Check. Victims? Check Police arriving after the fact? Check.

Nothing left to say.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Gun Free Zones: A Graphic Example of Failure.”
  1. Well, there are a couple things to be said, I think. One is that Kennesaw has a law that all its residents own firearms. Also, FedEx is a big supporter of the NRA.

    Discussion points, to be sure.

    1. Dieter:

      I don’t see what Kennesaw’s law or FedEx’s support of the NRA have to do with it. Especially since FedEx, in spite of this, clearly requires its employees and customers to be disarmed at this facility.

    2. The law in Kennesaw says every household, not every resident, and it’s absolutely never been enforced. It was deliberately written so anyone could find a way to opt out if they wanted to. The ACLU for some reason started looking at challenging its constitutionality, but gave up.

      And still even if a resident who worked or went into that building habitually went armed, FedEx rules say to not be armed in the property.

      Interesting the note that Kennesaw passed that law in ’82, partially in response to Morton Grove, a Chicago suburb which passed a law forbidding residents from owning guns. That city recently let that law go away in light of McDonald ruling and the Heller ruling, forseeing future cases against them. Immediately after they passed that law, Morton Grove crime started climbing faster than the surrounding areas and the nation as a whole, while Kennesaw went down sharply (not that they’ve had lots of it anyway). In the decades since Kennesaw passed their law, they’ve seen 5 homicides, one with a gun, not owned or used by a resident.


  2. Kennesaw has a law that requires HOMEOWNERS to own guns IN THEIR HOUSE, unless they claim to be a conscientious objector.

    This did not occur in a house. Therefor, Kennesaw’s law is irrelevant.

    This DID occur in one of the few places in town where guns would not be found, except in the hands of a criminal.

    End of argument.

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