You can’t have it both ways. That of course is hypocrisy, but when you know their motivations, it’s just dishonesty. They don’t care HOW many guns are owned by civilians, or the military, the only number they care about is ZERO! They want private citizens to own NO firearms. Zip, Zero. And that includes single-shot rifles, double-barreled shotguns, and guns like black powder arms, and air rifles that even the ATF doesn’t count as guns.

via Anti-Gun Hypocrites | Weer’d World.

Weer delivers a good post, but I wanted to bring the graphic into you consideration. Finally somebody in the LibProg side is good at math and realized “Holy shit! they have almost 100 times more guns than the government do!”
And the 310 million number might be a bit short. IRRC that was for three years ago so we can safely add another 30 million guns in the hands of civilians.

And with an average of 100 rounds of ammunition per gun, we could make the case that 31,000,000,000 rounds of ammo are safely in the hands of citizens.

Seriously, if we were the Insurrectionist assholes that the Opposition is trying to sell, we could take over in about 4 days and have an extended weekend of celebration.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Gun Math…. finally somebody in their side is getting it.”
  1. Extended week of celebration? With only 100 rounds per gun?

    Extended hour. If that.

    If I were the kind of people who want to ban guns and say “Lol you think you can overthrow the government with your muskets,” I’d be taking a look at that graphic and saying “Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh… sh–“

  2. Guys, you’re missing the point, there’s only like 5 of us, with 50000000000 guns each, we’re also fat, and old, and racissss, history proves that 3 children and a dream defeat racissses all the time.
    We’re screwed!

  3. I don’t care how high and mighty the government thinks it is, we the people have one thing they don’t… more trigger fingers.

    But unless we flex them from time to time, this is the sort of government we’re bound to get.

  4. Sooner or later, the govt. and the ignorant anti-gun freaks just might figure it out: the world’s largest army is NOT in the Peoples Republic of China. 😀

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