Everyone was gearing up for the Virginia gun rally, so this slipped past our radar at the time.

From The Hill:

Trump slams Bloomberg over comments on man who shot Texas gunman

President Trump lashed out at former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Sunday over comments Bloomberg made about a man who killed a gunman in a Texas church shooting by returning fire with his own weapon.

Bloomberg addressed the December shooting at West Freeway Church of Christ during an address in Montgomery, Ala., on Jan. 1 as he focuses his attention on states set to vote later in the primary schedule.

“It may be true that someone in the congregation had his own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people, but it’s the job of law enforcement to have guns and to decide when to shoot,” the former mayor said earlier this month, adding, “You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.

The gunman in the White Settlement church was put down in six seconds.  Lives were saved because of that.

Bloomberg wanted the parishioners there to call the police and let them show and decided if the bad guy needed to be shot.  How many more would have been killed in that time, we don’t know, but it would have served Bloomberg’s interests to have a bunch of flyover state residents he doesn’t know or care about die so he can push gun control.

The only threat licensed concealed carry poses is to cut short Bloomberg’s talking points.

And the fact that he said that in Alabama shows he doesn’t know his audience.

I can’t think of a Church around here in Huntsville that doesn’t have at least one armed citizen at the door for every service.  The local ranges and instructors have been doing shooting classes for church volunteers since the Sutherland Springs church shooting back in 2017.  And they are all booked.

I didn’t expect Bloomberg to have any other opinion, but for him to voice it, and voice in a pro-gun southern state like Alabama.

Wow, he’s a schmuck.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Gun news you missed because of the Va rally”
  1. One might hope that finally gun owning voters will understand that you can’t vote Dem, ever. Not unless you’re agreeing to have your weapons confiscated.

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