I’m old and I’ve seen my share of stupid.  You could say that I’ve made a lifelong study of stupid.  I’ve discovered that foolish behavior comes in many forms.  There is the person who does something foolish, and then there are the people who refuse to recognize the foolishness.  Sure, you can be foolish, but expect to pay the price.

-You brought your gun to a riot.  You got arrested.  Now you want someone else to pay your legal bills.

-Well, yeah.

-Why do you think someone else will pay your bills?

-But, but the second amendment…

But what about National Rifle Association, the Second Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America…

Gun Owning Snowflakes- So you took a gun to a riot, and now you want help? – Rob Morse.

I have to agree. In fact, it is something I keep posting about: Do your own research, find the source material, talk to the experts. If I have questions about Self Defense, I won’t ask PuppyKiller45 or MoronLabeNagant in the GimmeFreeAmmo.com forum about legalities. I will try to get Massad Ayoob’s or Andrew Branca’s opinion and then exercise a world of caution rather than trying to bring a bitchin’ picture to post in the forum.

Be smart.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on ““Gun Owning Snowflakes- So you took a gun to a riot, and now you want help?” (Slow Facts Blog)”
  1. I suspect “don’t do anything you wouldn’t do on a normal day” will be part of the answer. Doing something unusual will look like you went specifically to use it.

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