I am not into the decorative/themed guns, but I was a kid who was a fan of the Apollo program, this here is a thing of sheer beauty.

UPDATE: A reader who wants to remain anonymous has more info on the rifle and another photo:

Click to enlarge a lot

That rifle was produced for the Huntsville Friends of the NRA annual dinner in 2019.  It was to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon landing.

The rifle was a project designed and implemented by a small team of engineers, industrial designers, machinists, and technicians in Remington’s R&D facility in Huntsville, Alabama.

The rifle is a Bushmaster XM-15 A3 with a 20 inch barrel, manufactured at Remington’s production facility in Huntsville.

The launchpad and gantry were designed and 3-D printed by Remington R&D, so was the engraving and Cerakote painting of the rifle.

This was a beloved project that really brought the team together to do something they were very proud of.

Additional pictures could be found here at the Huntsville Friends of the NRA Facebook page.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Gun Porn (Updated Info)”
  1. Nicely done.

    A bit too lego looking for my tastes, but overall a good presentation. Not a criticism, a crititque.

  2. Neato frito bandito. 🙂

    I wouldn’t use a functional rifle for such a display, but props for original thinking.

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