I’ll be attending the GRPC this year for the first time and if you are interested, there is still space. Here is the email I just got:

Dear GRPC Registrant:

Hello again! Periodically we will be sending GRPC updates to help you stay “in the know” for the 27th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference to be held at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, FL Airport September 28-30, 2012.

 If you have friends who have not yet registered for the conference, invite them to attend! The conference is free for registrants* and includes hundreds of dollars’ worth of educational materials, along with a luncheon Saturday. Registration forms are available at www.saf.org

 THE TIME IS NOW….If you would like to reserve a hotel room, do so now. Rooms are selling fast. We have arranged a special room rate of $99 per night, but it will no longer be available after 9/14. To get the special rate, simply tell the operator that you are with the Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) when you call 1-888-421-1442 or you can click here to book your hotel reservations online

 The details of the agenda are still being determined, but the conference times are:

 Friday, September 28th — Evening reception only (7 pm – 9 pm)

 Saturday, September 29th – Conference all day (8 am – 6 pm) and Evening reception (6:30 pm – 8:30 pm)

 Sunday, September 30th – Conference half day, (8 am – 1pm)

 If for some reason, you have registered, but find you are unable to attend, please let us know so someone else can take your place.

We will continue emailing information and details regarding the conference.

 In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email at jhv@saf.org or phone (425) 454-7012.

 Julianne Versnel

Director of Operations

Second Amendment Foundation

 * Note: Other meals, travel and lodging are to be paid by attendee.

They are keeping the list of speakers tight to the vest which usually means good surprises. I saw somewhere that Mark O’Mara, George Zimmerman’s lawyer will be one of the speakers and that alone will be a very interesting event.

Let me know if you are going and see if we can organize some sort of meet of Bloggers & Readers. The closest restaurants are inside the Airport Terminal which does not give me a warm fuzzy but there are more locations a bit away.

Also, I am not sure but depending if the speakers on Sunday are not something I might be interested in listening to, I am planning of dropping by The Gun Shop Inc in Leesburg, Fl for their regular IDPA Match. It is an indoor range and they shoot Low Light/No Light scenarios so, if you are interested don’t forget to bring your tac light (no weapon’s mounted lights in IDPA) and be ready to have fun and learn how hard it is to shoot in low light conditions. Don’t worry if you never shot IDPA before, take a chance and try the sport. Let me know if you are also interested in doing the shoot.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Gun Rights Policy Conference Update”
  1. Wish I could go but a trip to FL is not in the cards. I attended last year in Mordor and it was very informative. The swag was also unbelievable.

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