gunsmoke lied. twice. | walls of the city.

Linoge gleefully flagellates TV idiocy in this one.

Gun culture is interesting enough without having to engage in outright lies. Yet TV Producers always find some moron willing to engage in deceptive TV.

American Guns started “meh” enough for me to catch if there was nothing else on TV. But soon enough they were weaving stories that were kinda fishy like “building” replica peacemakers from scratch when plenty of companies are making excellent replicas.

And a final note to TV producers: Stop it with the explosions. Regular ammunition for both rifle and handgun do not explode on contact with abandoned shacks unless the shack is filled with sweating dynamite, OK? So when we see that your shop built peacemaker blows a railroad car, we do not hear an explosion, but the words that start with “B” and “S.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “gunsmoke lied. twice. | walls of the city”
  1. Billets don’t makes sparks either!
    I’ve heard at least 3 news reports here in the Carson valley in the past years about target shooters starting wild fires by shooting guns….B.S.!

    1. I did see a bullet make sparks, one time, when I was shooting my ancient .38 S&W lemonsqueezer at an old pallet. Very likely I hit a nail, and the steel in the nail made the sparks somehow- not the lead bullet.

  2. :/

    You know it’s sad when there is more realism in gun play on Japanese Anime than in TV shows here.

    1. Heck, freaking “Trigun” has more realistic gunplay than most American TV shows.

      1. I made a case back when me and my friends were shootign the breeze awhile back.

        Japan with its very constricting firearms laws, still have high death tolls in terms of suicides and murders. They’re just committed by weapons not firearms.

        That and there is a very very very strong interest in firearms amongst the Japanese populace, to the point in some anime, the very action of a firearm, from the trigger pull, the firing of the round, and the action of the weapon is drawn in very dramatic detail. Sometimes firearms take on a somewhat secondary character kind of role in some anime.

        Then again I’m a military otaku, so I tend to obsess over the weapons tech in anime.

  3. Thanks for the linkage.

    My weakness is that I want to like these shows, simply because I like seeing all of the different kinds of hardware that are available out there… But damned if they do not insist on ruining it for me.

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