To revise various laws that interfere with the right of the people to obtain and use firearms for all lawful purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

This Act may be cited as the “Lawful Purpose and Self Defense Act”.

This is one of those bills that does not look like much, but I think it may have an avalanche effect. Just research all the crap it has brought gun owners since it became part of GCA 1968 and you can see it would be YUGE (Sorry, I had to do it.)

It has only 38 co-sponsors so far so we need to drop a line to our Reps and eventually Senators so they back this bill.  The times have changed: The Gun Culture is no longer one of just Hunting and shooting clays but competition and Self Defense, the last not being a sporting event. To define our defensive weapons under a definition that didn’t make much sense half a century ago and has no sense now is dangerously idiotic.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “H.R.2620: A bill in congress to eliminate the infamous “Sporting Purpose” crap.”
  1. But how are politicians going to fundraise if they ever actually achieve a goal?

    We are 25% of the way through this session of Congress. What have we gotten so far?

    1. Proof that the Republican caucus never in a million years intended to do any of those things they talked about during campaign season… and a bunch of good reasons to primary the lot of ’em.

  2. “It has only 38 co-sponsors so far so we need to drop a line to our Reps …”

    This, but also, once the bill is introduced in the various committees, contact your Reps/ Senators, the co-sponsors, and committee chairman to get the bill voted on. A bill may have 200 co-sponsors but if no action is taken on the bill in the various committees, the bill doesn’t go to the floor for a vote. It’s important to check Thomas.gov to see which committees the bill is referred to so that you know which chairmen to contact. HR2620 has been referred to the House Judiciary, and Ways and Means. Also, a bill may have 200 co-sponsors but that doesn’t mean it has 200 Representatives that are actually interested in the bill which is why it’s important to contact everyone involved and urge them to take action.

    1. it would seem as though gun owners own this country…I lost my hearing because of the next door neighbor started shooting and the gun appeared to be very large and extremely loud. The buzz in my ears is completely troubling. I know people have the “right” to do pretty much anything they want, BUT I also have a “right” to peace and quiet. Why isn’t there more places for owners to go and shoot like the police do. It could be open to all who want to go shoot. that way we all could be happy. My animals went berserk as well a me when the shooting in the neighbors back yard took place. His right to shoot should not be any more important than my right to peace and quiet. Just saying.

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